Update (07-01-19): Message from a colleague, “Noaman bhai, the child has died. May Allah accept his parents’ efforts and give them Ajre-Azeem. No doubt he was jannati. Suffered a lot after his birth. Approximately SAR 230K is the balance of the hospital.”
Update (03-01-19): JazakAllah khair for your guidance, advises and suggestions, which are available in the comments below. Based on the feedback, meetings were conducted with a famous Pakistani doctor in Riyadh, Embassy of Pakistan in Riyadh and Tawuniya Insurance Company. Rabia Hospital and King Fahad Medical City – KFMC were also suggested. The status update is available in the voice msg below, from my colleague:
The following text was published on 2nd January 2019:
Message from a colleague in STC:
Dear Brother, kindly advise me for the below case. What we can do because already SAR 200,000 exceeded and still hospital bill is increasing day by day. Any other way to solve this issue? Maybe we can manage to admit him in any gov hospital with some reference or any NGO can support or MOH can do any favor? He is my friend’s son. I seek your help indeed. Please use your social circle to find some way. Many Thanks.
Dear Sir,
I am working in the telecom field in KSA since August 2014. I have a Premature baby of 28 weeks admitted to NICU at SANAD Hospital Riyadh for the past 5 months. The baby had extremely low birth weight thus was admitted to NICU after birth and kept on the ventilator. During this time, multiple surgeries were done for the baby, details are mentioned in the below medical reports. Insurance covered all the expenses but now the Health Insurance maximum limit is over, which was 500,000 SAR. From 8th December, insurance is not covering the expenses anymore and now the baby is admitted on Cash. The baby’s medical condition is not well enough to discharge him or shift to Pakistan as he is still on Ventilator.
I tried with my sponsor to support in this regard and extend the insurance limit or any other way but they refused, as per them there is no way to extend the insurance limit. Now the hospital bill has almost reached SAR 200K and its increasing day by day.
We are in seek of your true support.
Medical Reports and Bills

Nauman Khan says
Sajjad Riaz commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam-o-Alaikum, How r u Nauman bhai ? Can you or your friend contact Shahzad bhai, he can do something with the help & support from Pak embassy”
Nauman Khan says
Syed Muhammad Ahsan commented on WhatsApp: “Salam. Can you provide this guy’s mobile number? Sure. A friend’s friend had a similar experience. He could be of help to him.”
Nauman Khan says
Sarfraz commented on WhatsApp: “Pis ask him to contact my frind Shahzad who is well known welfare worker got many contacts”
Nauman Khan says
Syed Muhammad Ahsan commented on WhatsApp: “Thanks, He talked to him. They’ll go to Tawuniya together. InShaAllah things will be better.”
Nauman Khan says
Khalid Alzahrani commented on WhatsApp: “Tell him call this number 937”
Nauman Khan says
Bisharat Rasool Memon commented on WhatsApp: “I have forwarded this message in my circle. May Allah help Fawad and his baby. Difficult time”
Nauman Khan says
Tanweer Khan commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Waqas Ali Tirmzi commented on WhatsApp: “Reports also forwarded on your email, Jazakallah Kher”
Nauman Khan says
Bisharat Rasool Memon commented on WhatsApp: “A friend shared this suggestion, ‘Ideally insurance company should have been paid some extra premium to extend the coverage.’ Another friend gave reference of Rabia hospital on kharj road”
Nauman Khan says
Syed Muhammad Ahsan commented on WhatsApp: “Yesterday they visited Tawuniya and found out the hospital didn’t bill insurance company till that time, They will try to fix it now.”
Nauman Khan says
Waqas Ali Tirmzi commented on WhatsApp: “Thank you Sir.👍 Jazakallah Kher, Is there any hope to wave off money?, Okay inshallah”
Nauman Khan says
Waqas Ali Tirmzi commented on WhatsApp: “سبحان الله”