Eid Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia The Eid prayer in Saudi Arabia is held 10 to 15 minutes after sunrise. Thus it is important to reach the Masjid before sunrise to have ample time to find an appropriate praying spot. If the Masjid is expected to be very crowded, it is better to reach the Masjid before the Fajr prayer and then stay there till the Eid prayer. Time of ... Continue Reading
Prayer, Supplication and Mosque (Salah/Namaz, Dua and Masjid)
Prayer or Salah or Namaz is one of the Five Pillars in Islam and an obligatory religious duty for every Muslim. It is a physical, mental, and spiritual act of worship that is observed five times every day at prescribed times. Quran mentions in Chapter 2, Verse 43: "And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]."
Allah mentions in the Quran about Supplication or Dua, Chapter 40, Verse 60: "And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." "
Mosque (site of prostration in prayer) or Masjid is the dedicated place for prayer in Islam, Allah mentions in Quran, Chapter 9, Verse 18: "The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided."
Prayer, Supplication and Mosque (Salah/Namaz, Dua and Masjid) category contains posts about the importance of prayer, supplication and mosques.
Eid ul Fitr (2024 – 1445H) Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia (English, Urdu)
Eid Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia The Eid prayer in Saudi Arabia is held 10 to 15 minutes after sunrise. Thus it is important to reach the Masjid before sunrise to have ample time to find an appropriate praying spot. If the Masjid is expected to be very crowded then it is better to reach the Masjid before the Fajr prayer and then stay there till the Eid prayer. Time of ... Continue Reading
Start of Qiyam ul Layl (Night Prayer) in Saudi Arabia in Ramadan 2024 (English)
The last 10 days of Ramadan (last Ashra) started with the Maghrib Prayer today, 30th March 2024 in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding countries. With this, Qiyam ul Layl (standing of the night), also known as Salat ul Layl (prayer of the night) will start in Masajid from tomorrow, 31st March 2023. The exact time of the start of Qiyam ul Layl can vary from masjid to masjid, ... Continue Reading
Video: Teach your Children about the Importance of Fajr Prayer – صلاة الفجر – Darnasah Media (Arabic)
... Continue Reading
Eid ul Fitr (2023 – 1444H) Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia (English, Urdu)
Eid Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia The Eid prayer in Saudi Arabia is held 10 to 15 minutes after sunrise. Thus it is important to reach the Masjid before sunrise to have ample time to find an appropriate praying spot. If the Masjid is expected to be very crowded then it is better to reach the Masjid before the Fajr prayer and then stay there till the Eid prayer. Time of ... Continue Reading
Start of Qiyam ul Layl (Night Prayer) in Saudi Arabia in Ramadan 2023 (English)
The last 10 days of Ramadan (last Ashra) started with the Maghrib Prayer today, 11th April 2023 in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding countries. With this, Qiyam ul Layl (standing of the night), also known as Salat ul Layl (prayer of the night) will start in Masajid from tomorrow, 12th April 2023. The exact time of the start of Qiyam ul Layl can vary from masjid to masjid, ... Continue Reading
Schedule of Taraweeh and Tahajjud Prayers in Masjid Al Haram, Makkah and Masjid e Nabawi, Madina (1444H – 2023) (Arabic)
Taraweeh and Tahajjud Prayers in Masjid Al Haram, Makkah (Arabic) - عبدالرحمن السديس - ماهر المعيقلي - بندر بليلة - عبدالله الجهني - ياسر الدوسري Taraweeh and Tahajjud Prayers in Masjid e Nabawi, Madina (Arabic) - عبدالمحسن القاسم - صلاح البدير - عبدالله البعيجان - أحم طالب - خالد المهنا - أحمد الحذيفي Previous Years 2020 - 1441H 2019 ... Continue Reading
Eid ul Adha (2022 – 1443H) Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia (English, Urdu)
Eid Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia The Eid prayer in Saudi Arabia is held 10 to 15 minutes after sunrise. Thus it is important to reach the Masjid before sunrise to have ample time to find an appropriate praying spot. If the Masjid is expected to be very crowded, it is better to reach the Masjid before the Fajr prayer and then stay there till the Eid prayer. Time of ... Continue Reading
Eid ul Fitr (2022 – 1443H) Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia (English, Urdu)
Eid Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia The Eid prayer in Saudi Arabia is held 10 to 15 minutes after sunrise. Thus it is important to reach the Masjid before sunrise to have ample time to find an appropriate praying spot. If the Masjid is expected to be very crowded then it is better to reach the Masjid before the Fajr prayer and then stay there till the Eid prayer. Time of ... Continue Reading
Eid ul Adha (1442H – 2021) Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia (English, Urdu)
Eid Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia The Eid prayer in Saudi Arabia is held 10 to 15 minutes after sunrise. Thus it is important to reach the Masjid before sunrise to have ample time to find an appropriate praying spot. If the Masjid is expected to be very crowded then it is better to reach the Masjid before Fajr prayer and then to stay there till Eid prayer. *Due to COVID-19 ... Continue Reading