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Video in English
Auto-Generated Transcription in English
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to the house of light the heart of
Muslims yearn from every corner of the
world the TEL via resonates in their
multitudes from this land the message of
peace was launched and about these
territories Muhammad peace be upon him
said and by Allah of all lands you’re
the best and the dearest to Allah its
visitors are Allah’s guests they have
been stripped of the colors of
discrimination and become united in
white to achieve the ultimate objective
of pilgrimage they are arrayed in a
great and moving scene where an Arab has
no preference over a non-Arab nor a
white or a black except with piety they
circumambulate the ancient house
they face it in all they had to it in
obedience they sip from Sam Sam water in
love of this place and it’s time defying
remains that witness to the oneness of
Allah the Almighty
processions of various races are unified
by faith putting their faith over their
nearest of kin their money and assets
and the luxuries for life they are like
one body the languages vary in letters
and sounds yet they’re heard by the
creator of all tongues he hears them
closely he answers them as he promised
them the pilgrims and visitors are
guests of Allah as they responded to his
call he shall answer their prayers these
great masses are diverged by travels but
gathered under monotheism and
conciliated by Islam their footsteps
mark on the ground but their calls echo
in time
then now the lifetime dream that kept a
visioning on every year is coming true
when the morning brings its spiritual
brightness in Arafat that majestic place
where Allah took the Covenant on all
mankind when he took them out of the
loins of their father Adam and spread
them in his hands like seeds and then
made them testify on themselves am I not
your Lord they said yes we testified
here the scene is repeated the
disparities of the mundane vanish away
parts are freed from the constriction of
physical mold both to the spaciousness
of the Supreme One the eyes would see no
one but unto fount humble servant or
someone imploring the Almighty hands are
stretched up to the sky eyes are blurred
with tears lips are never ceasing to
remember the Lord and declare his
oneness as much as the heart is quick to
respond to the creator love and
sincerity would reflect on the faces of
God lovers their eyes would shed tears
for the joy of acceptance when the
define presences felt through the air of
sacredness he takes pride in them before
the angels of heaven saying they’ve come
to me unkempt and dusty I bring you as
witnesses that I have forgiven them it’s
a scene in which the calls of truth
resonate and prayers of hope compete in
its space they seek pardon for sins and
aspire for favours and gains there is no
deity worthy of worship but Allah alone
without any associate
his is the sovereignty and his is the
phrase in his hand
lies all goodness and he has power over
the convoy of emotions moves at the pace
of hearts as it calls oh Allah my
prayers my life my death and my return
are all yours here oiliness is followed
by forgiveness how overcome sorrow
repentance undoes the work of satan it’s
a time when the face of the Satan is
marked with humiliation and disgrace as
he has seen many that Allah freed from
evil destiny in the calmness of the
night when the pre-dawn prayers
communicate with the Lord the glad
tidings of a better life unfold this day
I have perfected for you religion and
completed my favor upon you and have
approved for you Islam as religion
that year is coming the pilgrims shine
with the illumination of devotion on the
great pilgrimage day today the hands
purified with ablution will simulate the
same only seven stones are enough to do
the job the effect grows intense with
the shmita Allah Akbar uttered while
they march in crowds taught by faith to
walk on the path of goodness with
reassurance and tranquility to comply to
the will of the Lord with ease and
pleasure with the sacrifice offered the
joy is complete it is neither their meat
nor their blood that reaches a law but
it is piety from you that reaches him
as they change a tire their whole life
comes anew but Teague fades away with
the flow of mercy and hardship is erased
by the pleasure of obedience they poured
on to the ancient house which is the
haven of security and blessing and a
place of resort and guidance they
settled down by its door to go around it
counterclockwise as if they were
returning to the moment of the call of
Abraham peace be upon him they rushed
between safa and marwah and their
meditated hopes will rush after them
they are now heading to a new
destination they seek comfort after
satisfaction the journey of guidance is
to set with the birth of the new morning
still ian has ample room for pilgrims in
their colors and Joy’s its days are for
eating drinking and remembrance of a law
they hastened to forgiveness and mercy
from their Lord he opened his doors to
them and rewarded them generously to his
greatness they knelt down in repentance
and gratitude giving up the elusive
hardiness and healing to his will the
Satan gave up and he means to get to
them and retracted with disgrace with
every stone they throw every after beer
they utter and every heartfelt prayer
they make they perfect the qualities of
sublimity during the appointed days the
appointed days whose significance was to
surrender to Oh boss order the pilgrims
pick up stones to throw at a stone and
they go around a stone it engraved in
their hearts that the perfection of
obedience is to submit to Allah once
they’re done with their rituals they
implore him saying O Lord give us in
this world that which is good and in the
hereafter that which is good and save us
from the torment of the fire
in the journey of rituals the soul
experiences what a poet can’t describe
they went around the house
uttering tonyia invoking and remembering
him they see with their insights the
promised reward they rushed between safa
and marwah obediently they threw stones
while expressing a law’s oneness and
they slaughtered their sacrificial
animals testifying his greatness their
hearts were filled with a flood of
guidance and perfection their faces were
enlightened by light from the lord of
majesty their last call is our lord
accept from us you are the all-hearing
Audio / Podcast in English
Video in Arabic
Audio / Podcast in Arabic
Oh Travelers to Mina – Video in Arabic
About the Speaker(s)/Author(s): Darnasah Media is a media production company based in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. They have developed media for various Government Ministries, Organizations and Companies. They are famous for using modern techniques in their media production to produce high-quality content. For more details: دار ناسة DAR NASAH – YouTube دار ناسة الإعلامية DARNASAH MEDIA (@Darnasah) | Twitter DARNASAH: Overview | LinkedIn |
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