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Episode #: Three
Episode Title: Aadam (AS) on Earth (Part 1)
Date: Day 03 of Ramadhaan 1432, August 2011
Series: Lessons from the Stories of The Prophets (AS) in the Noble
Speaker: Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk of Zimbabwe
All episodes are available at Video Series: Lessons from the Stories of The Prophets (AS) in the Noble
Auto-Generated Transcription in English
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All praise is due to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala blessings and salutations upon muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala to bless him and to bless all his companions to bless every single one of us to grant us goodness once again we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala to accept from us this great act of worship that we have engaged in known as the tariqa in the evenings of the month of Ramadan and may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala accept from us also the fasting and may he make us from those who fast correctly may he make us from those who can abstain in the true sense from those things that we are meant to be abstaining from remember whilst we are fasting it is not only to abstain or to be conscious of what is going into your mouth but even what is coming out of your mouth this is something that sometimes we forget about so you find people who are fasting masha’Allah they stay away from food ten minutes before the time right up to five minutes after the time but throughout the afternoon they were swearing and lying in you know engaging in all forms of bad-mouthing that is not acceptable the hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says and we repeat this every year man Lamia da cow lazuli o Allah may Allah be he WA Jalla Felisa lillahi Hodja confi and yada ALPA a Muhammad Shah Baba whosoever that is not going to abstain or refrain from the vulgar or the bad speech that which is incorrect unacceptable and the false witness and so on during the month of Ramadhan whilst fasting then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala does not need the fact that they are abstaining from their food they are actually wasting their time that having been said yesterday we had been speaking about how shapen had planned with Adam alayhi salatu wassalam the first of mankind and how Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala created him today we’d like to continue from where we left off and I’d like to make mention of a few points that we did not mention yesterday to begin with how did the Angels know that this man who is going to come onto the earth is going to be corrupt and is going to spill blood how did they know that they said it immediately so there are two explanations to it the first one is because of the previous experience with what we’ve learned was the big kind who were on the earth so because those who are on the earth before that is what they did so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala when he decided to create insan’ automatically they understood that if this in sand is going to go as a khalifa onto the earth then they will also engage in something similar that is number one number two when allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala took the dust from the earth they knew that this in sand is going to go onto the earth and if he’s a khalifa going to come one after the other he will want as much as possible for himself during that lifespan and he will become selfish and he will it will then result in each one becoming jealous of what the other one has we will see that when we get to the story of the children of Adam alayhi salatu wassalam that is where it all started so we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala to grant us a deeper understanding we need to know that we should defy that I beliefs that Satan that devil who promised Allah that we would actually follow him and not Allah we are following allah subhanahu wata’ala and naughty bliss and something very interesting the mercy of allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala is so great that if a person has to follow a beliefs for seventy years or for a long period of time if for one second they have to then turn to allah subhanahu wata’ala everything is wiped out every drop of evil is wiped out and they start with a new leaf so to turn a new page is not difficult for mankind but we need to turn the page subhanAllah when you’re reading a book and you’ve got to the end of it you want to know what’s on the next page if you’re not going to take your finger and try and turn the page how is it going to turn so the same applies and effort is required to please allah subhanahu wata’ala may allah subhanahu wa ta’ala grant us forgiveness another point we need to know is yesterday we made mention of the size of Adam alayhi salatu wassalam and we said the minimum was that he was 18 meters tall imagine what is 18 meters very very tall mashallah now that is the original height of man and we’ve become shorter and like what the theory of evolution suggests that man was short and now they becoming taller I do know that nowadays because of all the fertilizer in the shoes of the youngsters they becoming taller than us mashallah or should I say all the genetically modified foods and so on but that does not mean that they are as tall as those before them we know of the previous nations who used to allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says they used to carve the mountains to live in the mountains imagine what must have happened at the time how big they must have been so we are minut compared to them not only that they had an average lifespan of one yes and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Amaru Oh mati ma baina Cetina illa Sabrina the lifespan of the members of my ummah is between sixty and seventy years I always like to say if a person has clocked 70 they’re actually now in extra time Lajo acaba it is a gift of Allah they can now prepare even better to meet with allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala may allah have mercy on all of us remember no matter how long you live you have to go no matter how long you live you have to go there is no ways you are not going to go so the best the best bet if you were to take a bet is to prepare for when you are going so people don’t want to understand that which is so simple there are still people who say no let me enjoy well if you go whilst you enjoy there will be no enjoyment thereafter so the best bet is to work hard it’s like a person saying let me not study for the exams and then you have the examination who was foolish it is you to blame may allah subhanahu wa ta’ala grant us a deep understanding so when we are going to be resurrected on the Day of P Amma we will all be the height of Adam alayhi salatu wassalam every one of us will be 18 meters tall imagine every one of us will be 18 meters tall very interestingly the hadith of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes mention of when the trumpet will be blown everything will come to an end everything will be destroyed and thereafter they will be a rain a thick white rain that will fall on the earth and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala will cause with that rain the humankind to grow just like trees grow just like trees grow humankind will grow into what is known as the Marshall or on to the plains of the mash-up where Allah wants to resurrect us we don’t know exactly where we’ve just been given a slight description but wherever Allah has chosen for that land of Masha we will all be resurrected and we will grow like trees that is a hadith of Abu Huraira of the allahu anhu and it is mentioned very clearly and do you want to know every time allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala makes mention of the rain of mercy in the quran he always makes mention of the fact that this is how we will be resurrected when the rain of mercy falls down on the earth the dead earth which was brown suddenly becomes green and it grows things grow and allah says kadali can no show in another place he says Corelli cannot region my water la allakum tell them come on in that way you shall be resurrected in the same way we will take out the dead Allahu Akbar so every time you see the rain and you see something grow you should think of a resurrection how we will also be resurrected and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says we were taught through the lips of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we will be growing to 18 metres and we will be growing to a certain age what is that age 33 years of age so 18 meters and the peak of your age is 33 you will be at the age of 33 on condition that you died after puberty those who died prior to puberty and they were children their condition is different they will be waiting for their parents and they will be interceding on behalf of their parents by the permission of allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala if allah wills and permits but they will be waiting and this is why we say those who have lost their children either through stillbirth or through miscarriage or in infancy those children by the will of allah subhanahu wata’ala will be waiting in the akhira and they will plead with allah subhanahu wata’ala allah you did not give my mother the time to have me and to probably play with me and so on so yeah allah i want my mother to come with me into Jannah my parents should come with me into Jenna so this is the bleeding of the little child and if this mother happened to be from amongst those who tried to please allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and the parents bought a shion’s for the sake of allah subhanahu wata’ala when they suffered the loss by the will of allah that will be a means of their entry into general it will be a means of their entry into general so this is a point of conflict so we need to know everyone will be at the age of 33 and there will be 18 meters tall and then allah subhanahu wata’ala will begin taking his app or the reckoning will commence may Allah make that day easy for us all so allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala thereafter makes mention of the day the day which Adam alayhi salaatu wa salaam was created it is also a narration in sahih muslim again by abu hurayrah of the allah horan where he says friday is the best day that the Sun has risen upon why it is the day that Adam was created so that was from the lips of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us it is the day that Adam was created and it is the day that he was granted entry into paradise what does that mean from that hadith we understand that he was created there is difference of opinion where exactly he was created was he already created in paradise or in another place in a place that Allah knows so from this narration it seems like he was created and then he was put into paradise from this narration because it says he he would heal al-jannah on that day he was granted entry into Jenna were fee he usually German her won a Tacoma Sarah – in la vie au milieu ma the hadith continues to say and the Day of Resurrection will not happen except on a Friday so it is the most powerful of the days of allah subhanahu wata’ala now on a friday what time of the day was adam alayhis-salam created very interesting one of the correct narrations makes mention of the fact that he was created in the last hour of the friday which would mean between a son and mother it so this is why you know that there is an hour in or on a Friday when any two are that is May is accepted that is a correct narration authentic that there is one hour sometime during the day on a Friday when if you are making a do I at that moment then it will definitely be accepted so what is your bet we don’t know the exact hour and we don’t know what it is some say it is when the imam goes up some say it is between the sitting of the imam and some say it is this that time and so on your best bit repeat the two are the whole day on a Friday allahu akbar just we beat the door la a cover may allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala open our doors we normally try to think of something logical and this makes the most sense so when it comes to the creation of adam alayhi salatu was-salam we see it was in the last hour and this is why we are taught to make dua also at that particular time on a Friday and it’s very interesting that this is mentioned in the hadith of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yesterday we spoke about how Hawaa was created from the rib of Adam alayhi salatu wassalam there is a narration that makes mention of what happened when she was created yes she came in as a gift he was very happy he asked her who are you question who are you she says I am a woman you are a woman Subhan Allah I am created as a pair for you yes he was very lonely so now he was happy he says lima felicity why were you created she says lacunae alaik for me to give you comfort company solace subhanAllah now this is what is meant to be achieved by marriage up to today when you marry what you meant to be getting from marriage is comfort it is company companionship someone whom you can spend the rest of your life with mashallah in harmony in peace who will bring you lots of goodness but what happens nowadays they tell you this is not the same man I knew when I was dating him that’s what he said when I was dating him he was such a lucky guy yes this is what people say no do you know what was happening when we were dating Shaitaan was beautifying now that we’re married Shaitaan goes away then he comes back with a new task the same evening how to separate the two he was achieving by making us commit sin before marriage and thereafter when we got married he now is trying to achieve by making us fight this is why when we follow what Allah says we won’t go wrong if you have married based on proper character and conduct and Deen and so on that will remain intact and we will be able to recognize how Shaitaan is coming into our lives I normally tell people on campus with all due respect to those adversity I do you go to the University to get married they say no we went to study so when you went to study what happened you came back married mashallah if you come back married it can work alhamdulillah few know how to do it and if you know how for example to choose a spouse but sometimes the environment on campus and we need to know this is common for all so for that reason we see someone on campus in that environment we get on with them because there is so much in common the minute we take them home after marriage it’s a totally different environment she doesn’t like it there and we don’t like it in her environment it no longer works had you remained on campus all your life your marriage would have blossomed you’d probably have children who were professors as well may allah subhanahu wa ta’ala grant us goodness and understanding this is obviously just a point to try and make mention of how important it is to choose a spouse correctly whether wherever it is we’re not trying to say this is wrong or that’s wrong if we do it the wrong way it’s wrong if we do it with allah in mind it’s correct in sha allah so allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala makes mention of this and we know that Hawaa alaihe salam wa sallam was created from the rib of Adam and I did make mention and I repeat and I stress that is not an insult to women it not at all if that was an insult to women it is a bigger insult though it would have been a bigger insult for the fact that man was created from dust if you were to ask me what is better a rib or dust we would probably say a rib because you can’t eat dust mashallah so my beloved brothers and sisters let’s understand this and let us understand and realize no need to be apologetic no need to say that we have been degraded by the prophets of Allah the Salam or by Allah no ways no it is an honor and that honor shall remain intact up to the day of teamö then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala speaks also about a bliss and we made mention of the point where a bliss was instructed with the Angels to prostrate to Adam alayhi salaatu wa salaam and you recall what he says he says no i won’t not me I’m better than him so whose sin was it it was the first son being committed against allah subhanahu wata’ala that sin was committed by Shaitaan so he became known as the accursed and the one who was thrown out by allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala listen to what allah says what is Cornell in Malay inkatha’s Giordani Adam FSA jadoo in ebenezer when we instructed the angels to prostrate to Adam they all did besides when we when we instructed the angels to prostrate to Adam they all did besides a bliss he refused about that means he refused flat for Khulna yeah Adam Oh in Heather doulica Walesa logic fell off region communal Jannetty fetish bah so we said Oh Adam look at this enemy of yours he is an enemy of yours you better know from now that he’s an enemy of yours make sure that he doesn’t work his plan against you to remove you from this paradise and the goodness you are in now just bear this in mind because we mentioned it yesterday today I want to derive a different lesson from the same verse so now he beliefs what did he do he looks at allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala and he’s very angry because allah kicked him out of paradise allah kicked him out of paradise as a result so he was no longer there but now what happened is he says to allah subhanahu wata’ala that oh allah because of what you’ve done now i’m going to show you that this mankind i’m going to lead him astray and i’m going to come to him from all sides from the left from the right from the front from the back from the bottom but he did not make mention of the top he didn’t make mention of the top why la whoo acaba please he wants he will never ever come once we know he’s coming if we had to know he is coming we would run away if you know a thief is coming you would go but if you don’t know the thief is coming he’s got to come quietly when you’re looking that way he comes from this side when you’re looking this way he comes from that side when you’re looking there he comes from there and so on and he comes in at this guy’s and at the top we find Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala protection always and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala grants us protection at all times and if we are to raise our hands to the owner of entire universe to protect us from the devil then he will never ever be able to harm us he will not but Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says the Sibley’s he started blaming adam alayhis-salam he started blaming Adam to say because of you I’ve been removed now think for a moment was that the reason why he was removed was he removed because of Adam no it was his sin that made him cursed now let’s draw a lesson for our lives here when we have a problem in our lives when we have difficulty we blame others sometimes when we are the root cause when we have done something wrong and sometimes we have a problem whether it’s at work whether it is internationally the wars that are going on whether it is nationally whether it is at the in the home or at work wherever it is we do not address the root cause so we never ever solve the problem look at the beliefs he did not want to tackle the root cause what kicked him out of Jannah was not Adam it was his son his own sin so instead of saying Allah I’m sorry I sinned and I was wrong and now you’ve kicked me out because I was wrong so I blame myself he decided to ignore the root cause and to go to blame Adam who was innocent of that what was adam alayhis-salam sky nothing today if we look at the issue of terrorism across the globe everybody says the Muslims are terrorists these people others nobody went to look at the root cause how did it start where did it go what oppression began what resulted in this result that we are seeing today what is it let us address the good cause nobody wants to look at that everybody wants to say these people are this and these people are that that having been said Islam does not preach terrorism at all not at all and I think that is quite clear to all of us we promote harmony we promote peace we promote dignity we promote respect we promote security we promote peace in every single way we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala to grant us peace across the globe but when you get a criminal coming to create havoc and then they blame you it only reminds you of Iblis the devil who did refuse to prostrate and then he started blaming Adam alayhi salatu wassalam so we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala to grant us a deep understanding and to make us look at the root causes of the problem we have whether it’s in our homes whether it’s in our businesses or social level whatever other level may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala solve our problems for us then you have Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala raising the point that I beliefs went to adam alayhis-salam and he says he’ll do local eyeshadow art in holding women kill a availa i want to show you this tree here there are two things you’ll achieve from it one is you will have life forever which means health and life you’re going to live forever and two is you will have lots of ownership you’ll own a lot so adam alayhi salatu wassalam one might ask how did please get this message to him when he pleased was already kicked out of Jannah it’s a very very interesting question he was kicked out of Jannah how did he communicate so now we go back to another verse of the Quran where Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says in who we are come who our cabina human – let he and his own army they see you from a position that you do not see them they have this sort of remote control what we know today as Bluetooth effects Wi-Fi they call it Wireless llahu akbar so they’ll the same way we have this wireless and Bluetooth it’s easily understood your connection is not here but you’re connected where is it it’s in the air how did it get here well through remote control is something between here and there and I don’t understand you don’t understand maybe a few you know fundies understand that only Allah knows so a bliss knew how he got the message from outside Jannah he got the message into Jannah how he did that he knows Allah won’t us and Allah said watch ah be careful didn’t we say moments ago he won’t come to you direct and show you I’m a police and I want to do this to you he won’t come that way secondly it is reported that there was a serpent serpent from the army of a police that was in there and he came hiding he was hiding in the throat or in the neck or inside the serpent and he came and then he spoke now one of these two Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala knows best exactly which one it is but what we do know as a conclusion is that he came in secret and he came without coming out full force to adam alayhis-salam apparently he didn’t appear he just came in a way that he was not seen properly in disguise and so on so he told adam alayhis-salam these two things you will achieve what happens to us when we are sick we first go to the doctor mashallah a doctor mashallah we make dua to Allah and we say Ya Allah cure me then we go to the doctor and then we get our medication and we start having it a month passes we’re not getting better two months pass we’re not getting better now what happens the same shape and comes back and he says I do local I shadow till Holland II he’s telling you the same thing can I show you a different way I want to show you this another way you can get your health back let’s go to the witch doctor let’s go to the Nanga let’s go to the fortune-teller let’s go to some one who calls himself a big mawlana who can tell you exactly who did magic on you finished what happened we fall into the same trap for what for health and life allahu akbar look at the exact clap that is used by the same beliefs against us who are the khulafa of adam alayhis-salam we came after him and he’s using the same trap the moral of what is being said is whenever we are sick we pray to allah very strong prayers we can ask others to pray for us there’s no problem we can visit the doctor we can get medication but we will not do anything that displeases Allah in order to achieve good health because come what may we have to die with the today or tomorrow and we are failing our tests if we’ve done something that displeases Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala so anything that is disallowed we are far away from that and we need to be far away from that that is what we learn another point that is learnt sometimes our business is failing we have a loss then it burns down then we happen to grow it up again and then a robber comes and then we happen to do something and the taxman comes and we just failing one after the other what do we say we are not satisfied we will go from one man to another I think I’m suffering bad luck here so what should you do he tells you you need to take three bones and you need to put them in a certain mercedes-benz sign and then you need to take three lemons and put one in each compartment of that mercedes-benz sign and the lemon needs to not weigh more than 80 grams and then you need to squeeze each lemon with five drops coming out of the lemon and then you need to take that juice together and take a little bit of saffron Lajo by hearing this already we need to know that that is a bliss what is it let me tell you when you sick and someone says cut five lemons go and get ten roses what is happening let me explain it’s very important for us to explain it lease is laughing at us and laughing at allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala that’s all he’s doing he says look didn’t I warn you that I’m going to lead these people to worship me when you tell them pray when you are sick and go and seek proper medication when seek and do that that you are allowed to do when you are sick you watch they’re not gonna listen to you I’ll tell them cut 80 lemons they’re going to cut them I’ll tell them go starve it Allah I heard one man tell a certain woman that someone has done magic on you and it is someone from your own family so it broke the whole family to pieces how did they know did you really come to them if Jamil didn’t come to them then he beliefs came to them Allahu Akbar and when he blaze comes he pretends he’s a Muslim he tells you I’m a genie I’m a clean Jin I’m a Muslim I’m a Sahabi I know the Prophet he definitely knows everything as we said here let’s learn the lesson from this one it bliss comes he comes in this guy’s so those who think they control a jinn if the jinn tells you it’s a Muslim it’s not a Muslim because in the Sharia of the jinn they are not allowed to come close to you as mankind yeah Sheryl genie code is tank Tom inner ears Allah says o Jin kind you’ve made enough fools out of these mankind enough of them and its origin go and read it Allah says one who can original encierro nubira jolly meaning feza to whom raha or there are so many men from mankind who seek protection and goodness and cure from jinkind but it only increases them in becoming more and more astray and in greater misfortune and in more difficulty that’s what Cyril Jing tells us so are we allowed to seek the assistance of Jing the answer is no and this lesson is for those who claim to be owning Jing and to be having Jing believe me if he beliefs could lie to adam alayhis-salam for him to lie to us his far more easy because adam alayhis-salam knew him he saw him he recognized him he knew everything and still he was gone with us we haven’t even seen him so let us not be fooled there is no quick fix like when a person doesn’t have wealth he can either work very very hard and have a salary every day he’s earning a little bit and slowly but surely he becomes rich that is the difficult way but it is the permissible way and you are passing your tests or he can choose to go and steal at night and go and rob and go and take this and that and go and engage in armed robbery he will have a lot of wealth but his life will be misery he will live in constant fear of being caught and so on what’s the point but he became rich and he stole from so many people and then suddenly when that pyramid scheme crashes everything comes to a halt may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala grant us all understanding and goodness the same way with health when we are sick you pray and you continue and you try the permissible means and you try from the Quran and the correct sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and thereafter the cure will come to you slowly but surely but if you want the quick fix you can go to the witch doctors and the others who will fix you overnight but what did they do they use the police who’s laughing at you laughing at Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala and saying Ya Allah look I made fools of all these people so we need to know we need to understand there is great detail I don’t have the time to go into exactly how it works but it’s quite simple the spirits that we have with us they are called spirits by the local African traditionalists but we call them the karana a tureen F a person has an angel and they have a devil a Jinni the angel is ordering you to do good the Irene is ordering you to do bad and you are the soul who who allows one of the two to win if you allow the good force to win you become a good person you allow the bad force to win you become a bad person when the person dies his soul goes back to allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala never to return and his body decomposes into the earth unless allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala wills such as the bodies of the prophets allah says in the la Jara model out of the intact Coolidge’s al anbiya that allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala has prohibited the earth from eating the bodies of the messengers of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala so with those exceptions the rest of us the body actually will decompose back into the earth and what happens to the devil what happens to the angel it gets given a different task by Allah Subhanahu WA Tala and it’s gone and that devil what happens to him it roams around where a lot of them roam in the graveyard a lot of them come back pretending to us that the souls have come back so some people believe a the soul came back and you know on this day the souls come back no soul comes back the soul goes to Bursa the soul goes to a different place all together it is this spirit or should I say this arena that comes back it tackles it plays games it does this it knows history it knows you better than yourself because it was with you since the time you were born so it knows exactly what happened now what does he do it starts playing a game people start beckoning the spirits in order to beckon the spirits you need to do something silly very silly you need to cut 80 lemons or you need to do something sometimes people instruct you to murder sometimes they ask you to bring a tang of a human being sometimes they ask you to cut a dove sometimes they ask you to do any form of silly items which do not make sense at all then you get the strength and you start you can talk to your great-grandfather and he’ll talk to you in the voice you remember la hoja Cuba but that is all a joke and it is all unacceptable it is possible it can be done in the same way a robbery can happen it is possible to engage in robbery but the sin of it it is sinful and it is not permissible the same applies this type of behavior is possible but it is disallowed and the is what we learned from bliss it bleeds from the beginning he promised I’m going to come to them how remote control I’m going to come to them in a way that I will disguise myself even the good from amongst them will not know the difference so Allah says in a body nice Allah Karim soon my worshippers who are going to worship me Allah says over them you will have no power no authority may Allah make us from the true worshippers of allah subhanahu wata’ala then allah subhanahu wa ta’ala speaks about the issue of adam alayhi salatu wassalam sin Allah says Venecia Whalum g-d Lihue Asma adam alayhis-salam forgot we found that he had no firm intention of sinning he did not have a firm intention of sinning he was not resolute in sinning as we mentioned yesterday so people begin to ask remember we’re throwing lessons people ask tell us why did adam alayhis-salam commit the sin why what is it why did he commit the sin come on do you know what’s the answer to that well look he was not resolute in committing that he made a mistake what about you why are you committing sin Allahu Akbar that’s a better question so look at how Shaitaan comes to us and makes us engrossed in why someone else see and in the process we sinning he was not resolute in his sin we planned the sin we calculate the sin we are intentionally committing the sin we engage in the sin and we happy about it after that and we plan it again and we want to commit it again and then we saying but why did Adam sin Stouffville Allah look again how a man’s plot comes back to us so it’s important look at yourself dooba leave many shavelev who I wanna Rubin ass that’s a hadith of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam give good news of paradise to the one whose own weaknesses keeps him or her occupied from looking at the weaknesses of others we want to look at that man this one that one you know one day there was a question that someone asked me and says what is the ruling of an imam who is the imam of the masjid who enters the masjid or the left foot so i asked one of the Mushaf that look what is it he says right back to them to say keep that imam he’s a very good imam and he must be given an increase in his salary and so on and i looked and I said but why he says you know what you don’t have much experience I will tell you these people must have been looking for something wrong with that Imam to kick him out they found absolutely nothing the only thing was he entered the Masjid with the left foot so they said what’s the ruling of any man with the left foot and they wanted you to say kick him out but instead give them the opposite but if that was the only thing they could find he must be a top Imam Allahu Allah may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala grant us a recognition and understanding and may he give us the ability to look into what people are saying sometimes we are interested in the sins of others not realizing they are heavenly people and we are people who are far back and we are sinful so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala speaks of something also very important that occurred and we did not make mention of this yet there was a time when adam alayhis-salam was created allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala from his back removed all his progeny up to the day of the AMA including every single one of us and showed it to Adam says yeah Adam this is going to be your progeny you will be succeeding one after the other he was shocked so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala asked everybody this question there was a question this question is made mention of in the quran listen to the vests welcome you bani adam czerniakow moon wash who see him unless to be long become pollo alla sayiddina an Takalua mohammed ii in a kun have a feeling you know in macabre unamuno Kabul what kun every Anton mean body him effectively Cunha be mindful and mobile cleaner Alice’s and remember when Allah took from the children of Adam from the back Allah took out all the children of Adam and brought them forth and asked him a question am I not the one who created you and they all answered yes indeed it is you alas to be or become am I not your up and they said Bella yes indeed you are so Allah says do not come on the day of P AMA and say we have forgotten about our covenant that we took with you and this question tell me how many of us remember this not one not one so Allah says no problem we will keep on sending you reminders of this so that is why we have the power on and that is why in the Quran we have this verse and that is why we believe that that happen and the very next verse Allah says and I don’t want anyone of you to come and say our forefathers were associating partners with you o Allah and we had no sin we only followed them Allah says there is no excuse each one of you is responsible for your own deeds and you have all taken this covenant with me you need to question what your forefathers have done if they have done what was right alhamdulillah if they have done what was wrong you need to delete it you need to stop it you need to change it you need to do something about it because remember when you go to Allah you will be asked a question individually Mirman coming ahead in Allah say you can live or a boo-boo lady Sabina Who am I in a hotel oh man none of you are such except that Allah will speak to every single one of you directly without a translator between the two of you nothing and he will ask you what you did and he will want the answer so the hisab is not going to be taken by angels it will be taken by Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala prepare a response for him and that response always be on the safe side may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala grant that to so when that happened Adam alayhi salatu was-salam he looked at these faces and they were lit and he seen one shiny face and he says who is this so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says that is a man from one of the later nations towards the end of time he will come up his name is darude David may peace be upon him so adam alayhis-salam out of curiosity is asking Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala ya allah what life did you give him for me you told me you’re going to give me a thousand years he was told already so what life did you give him so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says we gave him 60 years 60 years that’s very little now look at the love between the two one is the first human being and this is part of his progeny and this is why parents can sometimes sacrifice their lives in order to make the lives of their children and this is why whenever you ask a man why are you ending so much he says no I’m just preparing everything for my children all this I’m doing is for my children Allahu Akbar that’s a common answer so Adam alayhi salatu wassalam asks he says can you not increase him 40 years so Allah says we can take it from your life and give him so from a thousand we can cut down 40 and give him so he’ll become a hundred so allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala got confirmation from Adam he says okay you give him 40 years from mine amazing now Allah is Salam lived for 100 years subhanAllah and Adam alayhi Salam I am just fast forwarding the day that he 960 years were finishing in the Angels of Death came we’ll get to that story in sha allah he says hang on there’s still another 40 years there’s still another 40 years and he they said no don’t you remember that you gave this 40 years to the hood he says no I don’t remember la hoja khabar he forgot so man forgets that’s a hadith the Prophet sallallaahu salam says this in an authentic hadith that he forgot so man forgets and according to some versions of the meaning of the Tim in Sam some versions of the Arabic language say that in San Samir in San and Leah Nguyen said that man was called insane because it is from Mission which means to forget man is forgetful adam alayhis-salam forgot he forgot two things what else did he forget he forgot right at the beginning when Alma told him don’t eat from this tree remember yesterday we said he forgot today we repeated the same verse venecia well I’m legit della her husband he forgot and we didn’t find him a resolute in committing sin but rather it was out of forgetfulness so he forgot why because he beliefs the way he says things sometimes you forget he comes to you first time directly to say look Allah prohibited this but this is why he prohibited it you say no that doesn’t work with me so he comes again in another way and he comes in a third way until he succeeds and whoever wins over him gets paradise this is why in one narration when Adam alayhi Salam was sent to the earth he makes a dua to Allah he talks to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says he Allah didn’t you create me with your own hands he says yes Ya Allah didn’t you honor me as the first he says yes Ya Allah didn’t you instruct the angels to prostrate to me he says yes Ya Allah didn’t dismiss not prostrate to me he says yes Ya Allah didn’t you decree that I was going to do this he says yes so yeah Allah if I pray to you and I obey your commands will you grant me Jenna Allah says yes I will Subhan Allah so this is for us if we pray to Allah and we seek forgiveness where are we going back to Jenna Allahu Akbar this is the message this is why we are here allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala grant us goodness these are some powerful powerful lessons that we learned from the story of Adam alayhi salatu wassalam then we have a very interesting point again Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says in many places in the Quran that we instructed Adam and Eve meaning how wa may peace be upon them we told them go to the earth in fact we addressed Adam and he beliefs as well we said now go go to the earth so he beliefs was allowed entry onto the earth at one stage he was prohibited from heaven and thereafter he was allowed entry onto the earth and he was told go there going well there so he came down adam alayhis-salam came down and allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala told adam alayhis-salam I will continue sending you guidance and your progeny and offspring guidance whoever follows the guidance they won’t go astray and they won’t be unfortunate subhanAllah so up to today for many debajo de fla i’ll be no eyelash whoever’s going to follow my guidance i’m not going to leave you alone i’m going to send you guidance whoever follows the guidance they will not be led astray nor will they be unfortunate so now what happens with us we need to know Allah sends guidance Allah sent the Quran this is why the Quran is there the Quran is powerful it is the guidance for us as Allah promised and he sent this book and he sent so many books before the Quran if we are to follow the Quran we will never ever be misguided nor will we be unfortunate and this is why those who lack contentment it’s because they have drifted far away from allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala this is the time to come back to allah it is the time to come back everyone is searching and hunting for contentment you have people who are atheistic people who are agnostic people who have different beliefs people who think that this is the life and that’s it we got to make the most of it but they’re not happy there is something missing because they don’t have belief they think we are just going to die and we’re going to rot and that’s it Allah says no there is a beginning you need belief and that is what will make you a person who’s enjoying contentment man is created such that without spirituality he cannot enjoy this life of his so we need the spirituality and we need this belief it’s important for us to notice so allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala has warned us and this is why Adam alayhi salatu wassalam was sent to the earth and he was given this as a message and on top of that he was told woman are a believer in Allah whom are in shadow banca what a shoroma luteum honorable Imahara boutonniere arma WAPA Dooku – boss Eva Holika Holika attach care tuna Fennessy Taha Wacha dalekanium woman – Allah says whoever turns away from my reminders that I keep sending them they will be having a life which is very narrow very full of difficulty lack of contentment bunkin that which is it does not have any form of joy in it it is completely shallow and narrow full of difficulty and problem lack of contentment and so on and when we resurrect him on the day of P Amma he will be blind so he will say o Allah how did you resurrect me blind when I could see whilst I was alive on the earth and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala will say we will tell him didn’t we send you reminders and you turned a blind eye against those reminders so today we’ve resurrected you blind you turned away from us so today you will be forgotten as well may Allah not make us from amongst those now if we look at adam alayhis-salam he came down onto the earth he was sent to the earth there’s a question where did he land he was he wasn’t just thrown so that suddenly he landed meaning he dropped but Allah placed him on the earth this we find in the narration of rasulullah sallallahu sallam where he says that adam alayhis-salam nestle off’ in hindi he came down in what is known as the indo-pak sub-continent precisely sri lanka there is a mount they’re known as adam’s peak if you go there you will find it green and beautiful as though it is not from this earth but it is I’m not trying to imply anything but I’m just saying it is so beautiful maybe because the Sri Lankans have kept it that way but it’s a beautiful place it is it is said that there is a possibility that there is the place we don’t know for certain that that spot is the place but roughly then what about hawa where did she come down in Judah where is Judah Judah is in the Arabian Peninsula in what we know today as Saudi Arabia and what is the meaning of GTA or Jeddah or dude it means the grandmother it is named after her subhanAllah now what happened they started looking for each other I remember meaning I can imagine I’m just saying it for myself I can imagine them thinking I remember there was someone you know we had Hawaii aware is she that start looking and he started looking so Hanuma if you pictured it you can imagine and adam alayhis-salam began to walk and he started walking towards way the Sun was setting he started walking towards the West and Eve hawa alaihi salatu wassalam as a female she didn’t walk too much but she also tried to look for adam alayhis-salam know that does not mean that women are not interested no not at all not at all and according to what some of the historians have to say they met in Arif ax and this is why where the white pillar is the historians have made mention of I haven’t found it in a correct narration authentic narration but they say that that where Arafah is where we actually gather that is where the two met Allahu Alam Allah knows best and this shows us subhanAllah that men you know when we are separated from our spouses it should hurt us it should make us want to get back we should do anything to solve the matter this is what it is I think that is a lesson that is drawn here if we want to learn something from adam alayhis-salam he didn’t just wait for another woman to come along no he didn’t he knew that I have a wife let me make an effort and do you know he walked half the globe imagine and he got to her Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar imagine what must have been I don’t know it’s not made mention of in narrations but if there’s no harm in thinking what must have been the emotions when the two saw each other they must have thought I don’t know but I’m just imagining subhanAllah imagine after what effort how many of us are prepared to solve our marital problems by making even one millionth of that effort it’s a lesson today a small thing we flick the marriage off small thing flicked off go for someone else small it didn’t work why for what may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala open outdoors may he can understand now we have a lot more to say inshallah we leave it for tomorrow until we meet again
Contributed by Farrukh Kiyani
About the Speaker(s)/Author(s): Dr. Mufti Ismail Menk is a Zimbabwean scholar from Harare, Zimbabwe. He has been named one of The 500 Most Influential Muslims in the world in 2019 by The Muslim 500 Book. He currently has a combined online following of more than 8 million. As of 2019, he is the Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe. He obtained a degree in Shariah Law from the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Following this, he studied at Darul Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat, India. He holds a Doctorate of Social Guidance from Aldersgate University. For more details: Motivational Moments by Mufti Menk – Mufti Menk Mufti Ismail Menk – Facebook Mufti Ismail Menk (@muftimenk) | Twitter Mufti Menk – YouTube Mufti Ismail Menk (@muftimenkofficial) • Instagram Ismail ibn Musa Menk – Wikipedia Mufti Ismail Musa Menk | The Muslim 500 |
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