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Episode #: Five
Episode Title: Sheeth (AS)
Date: Day 05 of Ramadhaan 1432, August 2011
Series: Lessons from the Stories of The Prophets (AS) in the Noble
Speaker: Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk of Zimbabwe
All episodes are available at Video Series: Lessons from the Stories of The Prophets (AS) in the Noble
Auto-Generated Transcription in English
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We praise Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala for all praise indeed belongs to him we ask him to send blessings and salutations upon the masterpiece muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala to bless all his companions all the messengers whom he has sent and all their companions and may Allah bless every single one of us in our offspring we also ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala to grant us every form of goodness and to give us every reason to smile for indeed the smile is a great act of worship when we smile it breaks a lot of ice and many people who probably may have been slightly frightened of us they become automatically close to us they feel the closeness and the warmth so this is why it is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to smile may Allah Subhanahu wa ta ala grant us that understanding we have been speaking about Prophet Adam alayhi salat wa salam and we heard yesterday how he passed away and how he was buried we also heard of how two of his sons had fought with one of them murdering the other and what happened as a result what we need to know is there was another of his sons whom we made mention of very briefly yesterday his name was sheath alayhi salatu was-salam in the english language some say said and i would like to think in the order of the gujarati languages they say say it Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala knows best however this son of Adam was very close to him he obeyed his instructions he learned from his father he actually used to remind his brethren his brothers and the nephews and so on and the grandnephews whilst adam alayhi salatu wassalam was alive as well he continued to remind and to remind people of the beginning because there was nothing nothing else to remind them about that particular time besides to worship allah alone and how – had made a promise and so on so this prophet of allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala has not been made mention of in the quran however we find made mention of him made in the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that they were 104 chronicles that were revealed or parchments and from them 50 were revealed to sheathe alayhi salatu wassalam now as time passed it’s very important that we picture what happened there was one of the sons known as kabil or cane he had aggressiveness in his behavior he had greed he had arrogance he was a tough character difficult to get along with so what he did he decided to depart to leave the rest and to go away on his own somewhere very far away so adam alayhis-salam prior to his death he used to live with sheathe alayhi salam and with all these other children of his in the mountainous regions in the mountains and now this young man decided or kabil decided to go to the valleys and to go to the flat land somewhere further away later on she thought a his salatu wassalam was given an instruction by allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala part of his sharia was that it was prohibited to mix with the people who were gone onto the other side this man car bill took his own family with and he went away they had their children they had their own characteristics and it was prohibited to mix with them that was the Sharia revealed to sheathe alayhi salaatu wa salaam and they followed it they did not mix and they were saved to a great degree after some time a problem arose if we recall shapen when he refused to prostrate to Adam alayhi salatu wassalam he made a promise to allah subhanahu wata’ala he says i promise you i will show you i lead them astray and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says go and try whoever follows you from amongst them they are losers they will be with you in Hellfire but my worshipers who worship Me who have turned to me you will never be able to overpower them may Allah Subhanahu wa ta ala grant us the ability to overpower the devil rather than him overpowering us so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says and this verse is made mention of in Surat Annisa was that this man is the part I mean basaltic averagely barren hill be highly khawaja neck wash Eric homes in my knee one edie home wanna do home ashame 11 allah says go Oh devil Oh Satan Oh you please go and try and be fool them gradually as you wish go and use your sound now the word salt is used use your salt what is the salt of shape under the sound of shape on the voice of shape on the amorphous serene almost all of them have made mention of music and musical instruments and this is a verse in Surat Annisa and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says go try and control them use whatever you have at your disposal though those who know me and those who worship me they will never follow you so he says Allah says go and try you can use your sounds you can use your cavalry you can use your infantry and go and be a partner in their wealth which means going teach them whatever you want what was that meant to be look at the books of the sieve they all make mention of illegal income illicit prohibited relationships the income number one when a person wants to derive income from that which is prohibited and the next part of the verse says go and be a part of their relationships as well in their children you can have a portion and what them of a city in say is this means go and encourage them to do what you want in terms of illicit sexual behavior and let’s see what happens let’s see who wins llahu akbar so shapen from that time from that time he bought us in mind and he was given this authority as a test for all of us remember why are we here we are here because Adam alayhi salatu wassalam had promised allah subhanahu wa ta’ala that i seek forgiveness for I have done and I will not do it again and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala sent man onto earth in order to test them one word test so if anyone thinks we are here for another reason we know we are here for a test everything we see is actually a test from allah subhanahu wata’ala in fact this evening also we had verses that we had read where Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says yeah I you and levena am a new layer below enakku mula will be shining – ID Tanner who I become worried Malcolm Lia along my mobile a beautiful verses of the Quran you see in the condition of the Haram it is prohibited to hunt so Allah says o you who believe we will test you by making something happen for you when you are in the condition of a Haram those hunting animals will come very close to you as though they are saying hunt me hunt me but remember it’s prohibited that we will do for you just to test you who is going to fear allah subhanahu wata’ala and seem to them but they know that allah subhanahu wata’ala is all watchful so this means in our lives in fact it reminds me of what allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala speaks about in the quran the jewish people very interestingly Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says they had a Sabbath the Sabbath they declared that on this day you cannot work at all so what happened a lot ested in the same way you know the quran says in 30-meter no massive a team why O’Meara asked me to nail a team Kubelik never knew Bheema can only have so cone on that Saturday the fishermen who are not allowed to work according to their own laws they saw the fish as though the fish are saying come fish we know that it’s a day when you’re not allowed to fish amazing amazing so in order to come around that they used to cast their nets Friday evening pick them up on Sunday morning acaba la acaba so Allah says you cannot do that this is a test this is why Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala will test all of us certain things are at hand they are reachable they are if I can use the word committable a son is committable but whether we commit it or not depends on how much we fear allah and what consciousness we have of allah subhanahu wata’ala so the shape on he remembered this and he then came he decided let me go and tackle man and I want to show man how to sin because man had to learn how to sin remember if you haven’t seen something you probably wouldn’t know how to do it I was speaking to one of the youngsters from amongst us here two days back very interesting and he made mention of something regarding materialism that you see if you are driving the latest Mercedes and next year if Mercedes does not advertise the newer one they have you will be so happy with yours because you haven’t yet seen the new one and two three years later you will still be happy with yours for as long as you believe it’s the latest one the same applies to your phone when you have the iPhone for example they call it the iPhone 4 you’ll be so happy with it subhanAllah because you have not yet seen the six that has come out Lochaber see everyone’s looking at me when did that come out love acaba la ho acaba don’t worry I don’t know of it but this is how man is that when you don’t know something you happy this is why you have your wife you’ll be happy with her the minute you do not lower your gaze and so on you start getting upset with what you have based on some thing you don’t even know love acaba la ho acaba the same applies to our condition as men we happy with what we have and we are so happy with it for as long as we don’t know that there is something that might make us happier a la vaca bah why take the risk be happy be content so Shaitaan decided the same thing and what he did is he said you see these people who are with adam alayhis-salam and now that is passed away she that a is salam he may recognize me because he knows Shaitaan he decided that let me come in the form of a man and I will go to the to those who I was sheath and I will pretend as though I am a defector from this side sorry I will go to those who are with qabil those who I was Cain I will go to that side and pretend like I’ve defected from sheath now there was a distinct distinct sign you could see very clearly the men from table inside were not very good-looking we heard about that and the women were very good-looking and they had gone one side when it comes to where she’s alehissalaam and the rest of them were the men were very good-looking and the women were not that good-looking according to the narrations I’m not speaking obviously from my own pocket here so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala kept it such that Shaitaan went to that side in the form of a handsome man and when he went there he asked for a job look I need employment I need to be employed here so what happened they looked at him they decided yes good man come let’s employ you at least we got one defector someone has defected let’s give him a job so he got a job and as a man he worked amongst them and he worked very hard and then he slowly started what did he start doing it’s important we listen to this he slowly started making sounds sound that people had never heard before because they were there were no sounds that people had heard that was the beginning of time and now he took he created a little drum and he beat him everybody would come what’s that sound and they would come around him and watch then he got a bit of metal and he started hitting it and then it created a sound and they came and then he made a bugle and he started blowing into it and it created a sound and they came and they were excited wow these people are intelligent they are they have advanced much more than us and so they were so happy and they got so engrossed in it that they slowly started forgetting the commands of allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala they slowly started forgetting the commands of allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala yet on the other hand sheathe alayhi salam kept on reminding his people he kept on speaking with his people and he kept on telling his people what was right and what was wrong and so on and on this hand we find that shapen is teaching them how to do evil how to create evil and after some time they began to follow him and when they began to follow him it created this disaster for them this is how they introduced the musical instruments into existence this is how they introduced the musical instruments into existence and through that he would control them they literally set aside a day and evening a Saturday evening and amazingly to this day it lasts to this day it lasts they set aside that evening where he would create these sounds everybody would come around and everybody would listen to him and everybody would literally party party they would party until there came a time when some of the youth from sheathe alayhi salatu wassalam were visited by Shaitaan and what did he do to them something interesting he went to them and he created a doubt in their minds he made them ask a question he made them question the law of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala why is it that we are not allowed to mix with these cousins of hours with these relatives of ours what is the law all about what is the reasoning what is so bad about them look at this question let’s put it into our lives sometimes when we are taught not to have certain company not to have certain friends not to move in a certain direction what is it that is so bad about these people that we should not be mixing with them so when they started asking this question it was answered for them that looked our bill had engaged in a crime right at the beginning he engaged in a sin at the very beginning and this is what he did he engaged in murder and his characteristics were different and so on and for this reason they were all on one side and we are ordered not to mix with them these youth were dissatisfied with the answer doesn’t sound too good to us we’re not happy with it when they were not happy with it some of them decided let’s just have a peep at what’s happening because we’ve heard that here things are going on these people are progressing let’s go and see so they came down from the mountains and they went and from a distance they were watching and they had seen and it pulled them imagine they they did not intend to engage in evil but when they saw everybody is partying and what did they see they saw very good-looking females they saw very good-looking females and so they went closer and when they went closer they were seen subhanAllah they were seen and they were good-looking men so the women began to engage in what is known as suburban would the barrage meaning to start displaying their beauty and to start dressing up in order to attract this was the first time shapen taught them this now if you take a look at the TV on the Quran you will find in surat al-ahzab there is a verse where Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala is addressing the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well as the believing women who take a lesson from that Allah sees what coral Navy boy you think oh now I learnt about rajanbabu JAL Jay all remain indoors as far as possible and do not adorn yourself in a wrong manner in a wrong manner meaning for those who are not meant to be seeing you in the way that those of the first ignorance engaged in so abdul i have not a bus of the allahu animal who is a great no facet he says this is referring to the women of Kabila’s side who used to beautify themselves in order to be made attracted to these males and this is where the story comes up as jahiliya to Allah mentioned in this step seen mentioned by in a busser of the allahu anhu his view is that this is what it was and we are just using that today in order to put forward what happened so when that happened these young men they came in and they enjoyed themselves they had music they had women they had so much they were partying they were enjoying and they went away see it’s typical what happens nowadays you have the weekend people go and after that they come back home at 3:00 in the morning you know we use the word Babel ass I don’t know what is used by that by the people here which means they have drunk you know they don’t even know whether they are coming or going Allahu Akbar so as the men came back they told the other youngsters hey you don’t know what you missing out on you see they they’ve got different sounds and these sounds are amazing now look Shane uses sound to control man well laddie if you take a look at what a beat is what is a bit you start tapping your fingers what happened who’s controlling this finger of yours Shaitaan what happens to your your toe starts flicking what happens to your head starts moving what happens to your waist starts shaking Allahu Akbar who’s controlling it let’s be honest it started at that time it started at that time and it is controlled the one who can make you tap your finger on your steering wheel can easily you murder the one who can make you tap your finger on a steering wheel can easily leave you to adultery he will create it in your heart and beautify it he can do one thing and you continue he will do another may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala safeguard us so thereafter these people came back with a bigger group and they came back with a larger group and the group was growing and every time that party happened there were people from this side who used to quietly go to that side and they used to engage in sin the first since music was invented and what else was invented created was adultery may allah subhanahu wata’ala safeguard us this is the history of it made mentioned by some of the historians and it is very very important very very interesting for us to note this because allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala has also told us in the Quran about Al jahiliyya to Allah although there are no details the details we get from some of them of a Syrian and some of the historians so this is how it started and this is why it’s important for us today to understand that not everything that glitters is gold not everything that glitters is good for us not everything that appears to be so attractive is actually good for us because if we go in that direction we could be falling straight into the trap of Shaitaan so allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala after making mention of this he obviously tells us that those who have engaged in immorality and those who have engaged in sin those who have engaged in what will displease allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala if they immediately remember allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala they remember that they have to go back to allah subhanahu wata’ala and they have that consciousness of allah and that remembrance makes them ask allah forgiveness allah says not only do we forgive them but if they remain steadfast thereafter we will grant them general listen to the vessel well Lavina either follow fahisha tan for some the Carolina festival even all beam were made in the moon hula Iike Jessa no Fiat Uno a beam what gentle touch a teeming tactical and Holly Deena thing when in a July meaning Allah says those who have engaged in immorality oh they have oppressed against themselves they have oppressed themselves in one way or another when they remember Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala and turned to him in repentance because there is none who can forgive besides allah subhanahu wata’ala and they do not continue in their bad ways but rather they turn their ways for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa ta ala allah says for those there is forgiveness from us and we have prepared for them heaven paradise gardens wherein they will dwell forever and ever and what a great place for those who would like to do good deeds and this verse has hoped for every single human being anyone never ever feel that you have gone beyond the limit never feel that you are now beyond repair there is always room to turn to allah subhanahu wata’ala he gives us a chance he gives us another chance he gives us ten chances and many more chances but we don’t know the exact number of chances whilst these chances come through to us grab hold of one of them and turn to allah subhanahu wata’ala I normally tell people the month of Ramadan is ideal ideal what is harming us what is so difficult for us to come to the Masjid to stand for an hour if it we if we had it our way we could probably stand out at the door for another hour if we had the right people to sit and chitchat may Allah protect us sometimes as people are coming in they are sinning and as they go out they are sinning whether it is with their phones or with their mouths bad-mouthed meaning bad words that come out of the mouth sometimes we walk out of the house of allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala first thing we do with all due respect to those who do do this but what is wrong is wrong even if all world engages in it first thing we do we still not even out of the door the cigarettes are out and the light is out next thing we flicking it and it’s at our mouth but when we just now moments before that we were speaking communicating with allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala can’t we at least for the month of ramadan shows some respect and move a little bit further away from the masjid not to say we are encouraging it but at least if we show that amount of respect there is a chance that allah subhanahu wa ta’ala will indeed create a day when we will give it up you know when the doctor tells you Allah who acaba and I’ve given this example before when the man’s heart suddenly fails and he gets a pain and he’s drops then they pick him up and take him to the hospital and the doctor says you know what you got to give up smoking well I he 9 times out of 10 if not 10 he gives it up why one doctor told him that one doctor but for allah subhanahu wata’ala how many of us are ready today to say this habit is out there we are how many luck are we waiting for a little heart attack before we can give up a bad habit are we waiting for an angina attack before we can throw something out of the the window when Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says no don’t wait for that I give you good health but whilst you’re in good health leave that Aqaba this is why we say some people turn away from Allah they don’t want to worship Allah neither in Ramadan or outside the month of Ramadan so what Allah does for him he gives them a favor what is that favor he makes them sick until to the degree that the doctors cannot help them so what do they have to do they are forced forced literally to say Ya Allah for the first time in their lives raising their hands and coming early mashallah that is cheap or ly cheap meaning we are still fortunate that we haven’t died before we raised our hands to Allah but the question I have should we wait for something to happen to us before we going to raise our hands this is why Allah says be thankful be grateful recognize the devil and know about him before he even come in your direction so that you will know how he tries and distract you ask those who’ve committed adultery all their lives what have they achieved by it ask those who have sinned all their lives gambling what have they achieved by it ask those who have sinned all their lives by stealing cheating cunning deceiving by engaging in all sorts of other sins whether it is drugs and alcohol what did they achieve by it they achieved what momentary joy is that what they got and now if Allah has mercy on you he will grant you a chance to say Ya Allah forgive me never again will I do this but if not may Allah protect us all we fall into the clutches of the devil what happens on our deathbed when it’s too late we will then be thinking that Ya Allah I should have given up this habit and that habit you know what the Quran says those type of people whom they only want to think about it on their deathbeds Allah says that’s too late had a mount to call out below zero on lolly metal sorry happy metallic to calla Allah says when death comes to such a person he will say o Allah send me back I want to do good now I know I’d like to do all the good now we know Allah says no you will not do good it’s just a statement coming out of your mouth you were given the chances you were given the reminders the messengers came one after the other do you know the mercy of Allah is such that he did not only let us know the history of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but for us there is a reason why he has told us the stories of so many prophets in the Quran and in the sunnah of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam take a look at the people of shia for example they used to have wrong business dealings in this ummah there are people who do that take a look at the people of loot pilate salam they used to have homosexuality in them this oma there are people who do do that so at that time the nations used to engage in one or two major items but with us there are pockets of people who have engaged in almost all those things that are made mention of in the past and this is one of the reasons why all those stories have come and they have come to us remember and this is an example again that some of the scholars have given they say if fuel with a match created a huge inferno a thousand years ago what makes you think that fuel with a match today is not going to create the same inferno that is foolishness since we know people have been giving you warnings there’s a warning petrol warning inflammable warning no lighters no matches here and if you look at it and you say no this was a thousand years ago let me try it again and see what happens that’s what we’re doing we hear what happened to the people of look we still want to engage we hear what happened to the people of schreiber we still want to engage we hear what happened to the people of hood we still engage why because we do not want to take heed of that sign that we see highly inflammable make sure you don’t have this here Allahu Akbar may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala open our doors the reason why I have paused if you notice to give a few examples is because these type of examples have an effect and an impact on mankind Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala says in the Quran Allah Allah Bonelli nurse if he had an enemy only metal in this Quran we have given man so many different types of examples so that they think but Allah says faba a clarinha see Allah confer on so many people have just refused they have rejected they don’t want to believe my beloved brothers and sisters we have a beautiful month of Ramadan as we say an effort is required to come closer to Allah Allah he Allah he if we come closer to allah subhanahu wata’ala we will see miracles in our life we dedicate our days for Salah without missing once Allah come what may see what happens in a month two months start seeing your doors opening miracles will happen well lie those around us have already seen them and I’m sure we are tasting them Allah grants you contentment of the heart but when there is a person who wants to follow the sins of the time what lie they will continue becoming more and more sophisticated we will waste our days and our times behind this technology if we are using it wrongly and we will waste our time behind sin and drugs wallah if we would like to leave it we can leave it now by the will of allah subhanahu wata’ala and if this reminder in the month of Ramadhan when our hearts are meant to be softened it is not enough for us and what are we waiting for what is there that is going to come to us in the past I have made mention of a point and the point is how many reminders would I like before I will tell write it down I need another two hundred reminders then I will tell and then start jotting down how many reminders you’ve had they will come a day when you’ll strike the two hundred then will you tell Allahu Akbar if you’re going to turn that 200 you’d rather turn now so that you can gain all that time because who knows we might die at 150 and then what will happen we can’t go to allah subhanahu wata’ala and say no in my mind i made the promise that I’m going to wait for another 50 and you didn’t give me the life to see the other 50 too late Allah says we gave you enough enough times enough warnings like allah says in the quran some people no matter what eles them no matter who reminds them they don’t want to be reminded they don’t want to take heed so allah says you can bring whoever you want to talk to them they won’t listen so much so that allah says even if the angels were to be brought in front of them to talk to them live they wouldn’t turn and over and above that Allah says are they waiting for Allah to come down now to talk to them to say hey you better tell these are the verses of the Quran may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala open our doors may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala grant us all goodness inshallah tomorrow we will meet again going into the next prophet of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala until then
Contributed by Farrukh Kiyani
About the Speaker(s)/Author(s): Dr. Mufti Ismail Menk is a Zimbabwean scholar from Harare, Zimbabwe. He has been named one of The 500 Most Influential Muslims in the world in 2019 by The Muslim 500 Book. He currently has a combined online following of more than 8 million. As of 2019, he is the Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe. He obtained a degree in Shariah Law from the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Following this, he studied at Darul Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat, India. He holds a Doctorate of Social Guidance from Aldersgate University. For more details: Motivational Moments by Mufti Menk – Mufti Menk Mufti Ismail Menk – Facebook Mufti Ismail Menk (@muftimenk) | Twitter Mufti Menk – YouTube Mufti Ismail Menk (@muftimenkofficial) • Instagram Ismail ibn Musa Menk – Wikipedia Mufti Ismail Musa Menk | The Muslim 500 |
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