Update (05-06-22): For the past six months, this project has helped in the treatment of the wife of the security guard. This family was also supported in these two projects: Donations for Multiple Projects During Ramadan 2022 in Multan and Donations for Paying Off the Debt of a Security Guard in Multan project. Two more families have been supported by Rs 1,000 per month for hypertension and diabetes medicine. JazakAllah khair for your contributions. A message from my father about the various cases supported by this project during the first half of 2022 is available below in the Urdu language:

Update (13-06-20): From June 2020’s donation, Rs 6,000 have been donated to the same patient, who has been suffering from a severe cough due to some food allergy. He had resumed his work and was also able to pay off some debts as well but then he again had a severe allergy attack and is on the bed for the last 10+ days. The doctor has recommended him to visit Islamabad to get an allergy test.

Update (6-05-20): From May 2020’s donation, Rs 4,000 has been donated to the same patient, who has been suffering from a severe cough due to some food allergy. Alhumdulillah, now he is close to full recovery. He will now start working again to earn his livelihood. Rs 1,000 has been donated for the medicine of the daughter of a factory worker, who is suffering from depression. Rs 1,000 has been donated to another person for medicine, who is also suffering from depression.

Update (1-04-20): From April 2020’s donation, Rs 4,000 has been donated to the same patient, who has been suffering from a severe cough due to some food allergy. Once the lockdown is over, he will have to visit a hospital in Islamabad where they can perform tests to identify the cause of the allergy. Due to this allergy, he is unable to eat properly and is unable to continue his work.
Update (14-03-20): From March 2020’s donation, Rs 2,000 has been given to a patient who was suffering from a severe cough and was looking for financial support for medical tests. Remaining Rs 3,000 have been given to a car mechanic, whose daughter is suffering from fits and is currently admitted in the Nishtar Hospital Multan. Doctors have recommended an MRI test for her, which costs Rs 7,000 in the Nishtar Hospital Multan at a discounted price. The MRI test in private hospitals costs Rs 12,000. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (11-01-20): From January 2020’s donation, medicine of Rs 2,400 was purchased for two patients: one child had been infected with pneumonia due to cold weather and an old woman had caught chest infection. As my father regularly buys medicine for underprivileged children, women, men and old people from the wholesale market to save costs, he is planning to use the remaining amount to buy medicine. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.
The following text was published on 30th December 2019:
A person contacted through Contact Form and requested information on needy people or families who need financial assistance for their medical needs. He wanted to make a monthly contribution for such cases. My father informed about the following such cases:
The first case is of a motorcycle electrician, who was able to sustain his family financially but his one son was diagnosed with backbone issues and got bedridden. He is in great pain and its very difficult for the father to see his son in that much pain. Doctors have suggested surgery which is due, his MRI tests are also very expensive. The other son was diagnosed with Hepatitis. The mother could not bear to see her young sons bedridden and got sick as well. His work also got effected as he has to close the shop to visit hospitals. He is in need of financial support.
The second case is of a laborer, who has been diagnosed with Hepatitis C and needs injections which are very expensive. There are many other similar cases, thus my father requested that if a monthly donation can be given, it will only be spent on medicine and medical needs.
The person has taken the initiative to donate Rs 5,000 for such cases on a monthly basis, starting from December 2019. After a few hours the donation was received, a person visited my father at 9:15 pm, on foot, in the winter of December. He was a security guard at someplace and had a monthly salary of Rs 15,000. He had a premature baby. He took money from his friends to bear the expenses of the hospital but was in great need of financial support to buy medicine and formula milk for the premature baby. Someone informed him to visit my father. He received the above donation and left extremely happy.
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “allah app ko khush rakhiya, app bohat barha kaam kar rahiya kam. Allah app ko kameebi dai”
Nauman Khan says
Amnah Anwar commented on WhatsApp: “Awesome, mashaAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Umar Butt commented on Facebook: “👍”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “thanks, bohat shukriya”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “salam, shukriya”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “allah app aur app ka dad ko bohat khushiya daih”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “salam bhi, yes, shukriya”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “salam bhi, do keep me updated, shukriya, shukriya”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “bohat shukriya, is your ngo registered in PAKISTAN? if yes how can i check, i hope you don’t me asking you this question, any special reason it isnt registered?”
Nauman Khan says
It is not registered, here is how it started: https://theclearevidence.org/about-contact/
A charity should have a minimum size to qualify for registration, plz refer to this link for details: http://ictadministration.gov.pk/services/registration-of-ngo-npo/
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “salam bhi, thanks you bhi”
Nauman Khan says
Mushtaq Ahmad commented on WhatsApp:
“جزاک اللہ خیرا
تقبل اللہ صالح الاعمال”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “okay, pls go ahead, also i suggest on fb pls have these person profile available, for evaluation and selection, like helping hands people do it, its easy to select n choose, done, ”
Nauman Khan says
all projects are available at this link, you can choose any project you like: https://theclearevidence.org/charity-projects/
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “bohat shukriya. In bhi ko allergy exactly haih kis cheez ki diagnose nahye hu?”
Nauman Khan says
For that he has to go to Islamabad where allergy tests are performed, the facility is not available in Multan
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp: “agha khan or shifa not in multan?”
Nauman Khan says
Agha khan lab is there, who send samples to kri or lhr but the facility to find an unknown allergy is different from a normal lab
Nauman Khan says
Nisar Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “In shaa Allah, Allah O barik fe..”
Nauman Khan says
Nisar Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “salam, Aameen”
Nauman Khan says
Nisar Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “Wa alikum Salam, Yes”