Update (23-05-19): Alhumdulillah, Rs 280,000 have been collected to pay off the complete dept. I am in the process of transferring the amount in my ex-colleague’s account, jazakAllah khair for your contributions.
His msg is as follows:
“I am really so much thankful to you. May Almighty Allah give you reward of your efforts, it is really a huge effort from your side. Please accept so many prayers from my father and thanks from my side.
May Allah bless you with happiness always.
I have no words to say thanks, really.
The following text was published on 17th May 2019:
The following msg is from an ex-colleague from Siemens:
In the month of Holy Ramzan, if you want to give some donations, please remember to share any feasible amount with me. One of our family members is in too much crises and we are trying to facilitate him a little bit.
He is a very close family member of mine and has lost his business of veterinary medicine to the extent that now he is completely hand to mouth. He has three kids, studying in different schools and we are paying their monthly fees and also fulfilling his basic necessities. He is living in a native house for the time being where routine bills have also been pending for months. Thus, we are managing his monthly daily routine expenses and expenses of his children.
He had owned a loan of Rs 400,000 (SR 10,120) during his business period, which we are trying to pay off and has also requested other relatives for their support. So far we are able to collect around Rs 120,000 (SR 3,036). He is also eligible for Zakat. We have already reviewed the matters and discussed with DARUL AFTA prior to proceeding with this case further.
JazakaAllah Khair.
If you would like to donate any money then it will be transferred to my ex-colleague’s bank account. Donations can be made through any of the following channels:
- In cash to me
- In my KSA Bank Account
- In my Pakistani Bank Account
- Via PayPal – https://paypal.me/urShadow
Nauman Khan says
Sajid Umer commented on WhatsApp: “JazakaAllah Khair for your swift action and support.”
Nauman Khan says
BarakAllahu feq
Nauman Khan says
Maria Khan commented on WhatsApp:
“ما شاءالله و بارك الله 👍
May Allaah سبحانه وتعالى accept these sincere efforts from you Nomi. Aameen”
Nauman Khan says
Ameen, JazakAllah khair
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “Ok, Inshallah”
Nauman Khan says
Fatima Shabbir commented on WhatsApp: “Transferring on behalf of a friend, to your paypal, koi reference daina hai, Send me”
Nauman Khan says
Imran Reayat commented on WhatsApp: “Asalamoalykum bro, Just make sure that you are helping Muslim families, A request from my side, Understood, but if you do verification as well then it will really encourage donors even more.”
Nauman Khan says
Waliqumaslam, I only hav the info mentioned in the post, I don’t have any means to do verification beyond that
Nauman Khan says
Sajid Umer commented on WhatsApp: “Walaikum Assalam. Yes, for sure. We have already reviewed the matters and discussed with DARUL AFTA prior to proceeding with this case further. And i will definitely review the links shared by your goodself.
Received. Rrceved . JazakaAllah khair. Received JazakaAllah khair. Received, JazakaAllah. JazakaAllah Khair. Recevied. JazakaAllah khair.”