Update (09-05-21): Alhumdulillah, another Rs 10,000 have been collected and transferred to my cousin’s account. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (09-05-21): Message from my cousin:
“Alhamdulillah distribution of Ration / Cash to over 100 families done so far. It wasn’t possible without the help of family and friends. A total of approximately 30 families are in need of urgent help in terms of ration. I once again call upon all of you to come forward and help those who don’t beg. We have 2 more days before lock down. So, anyone who wants to offer help with zakat / sadqa is welcome. As I always say no contribution is too small. JazakAllah.”
Update (17-04-21): Alhumdulillah, another Rs 15,000 have been collected and transferred to my cousin’s account. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (03-04-21): Message from my cousin:
These are challenging times for us all, and we hope you’re in good spirits and health! As COVID-19 continues to spread, the future has never felt so unpredictable. As we adapt to these unprecedented circumstances, let’s do our part by putting our share for the needy / underprivileged families around us ,as now more than ever they need us.
As the Holy month of Ramzaan is approaching, I would really want to do everything possible to sustain their daily operations and provide some sort of relief to those families who are in dire need of help.
I am collecting the donations to deliver rations to the families whom we helped last year during these hard times, So far with the help of kind fellows like you we have been able to continue our help to many families throughout the year at their doorsteps without hurting their dignity and self respect.
Even a quick mention on your social media would mean a lot. In times like this, we’re reminded of how interconnected we all are. Thank you for being part of our noble cause. Without you, none of it would have been possible.
Stay safe and well,
If you want to contribute in any form, your Zakaat or Sadqah kindly contact me through whatsapp/ SMS/ DM.”
Update (22-05-20): Alhumdulillah, my cousin was able to distribute ration among the following families as well:
Update (21-05-20): Alhumdulillah, another Rs 80,000 have been collected and transferred to my cousin’s account. InshaAllah this amount will be able to support 21 families (105 people) for 1 month, jazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (20-05-20): Message from my cousin: “We have covered around 600 families so far.”
Update (03-05-20): Message from my cousin: “We have covered another 100 families in the last few days.”
Update (02-05-20): Alhumdulillah, another Rs 412,000 have been collected and transferred to my cousin’s account. InshaAllah this amount will be able to support 111 families (555 people) for 1 month, JazakAllah khair for your contributions.
Update (18-04-20): Alhumdulillah, my cousin has been able to distribute ration to over 400 families. Now he has a list of another 300 families, waiting for the ration packs. We understand that with limited finances, we might not be able to provide ration to each and every family and if the lockdown continues for longer, the ration provided to 400 families previously, will also start ending from the start of the next month, but we want to continue our efforts, as much as we can. He has recently experienced some cases where women were waiting for 2 to 4 hours in the streets to find him, to get some ration, thus the situation is very plight.
We have also tried to receive ration for needy families on 4 locations in 3 cities through Gov’s Ehsaas Emergency Ration Program but no one has received any ration from the gov in the past 15 days.
Lists of Families
Update (14-04-20): Feedback from my cousin:
COVID-19 and The Past 15 Days!!
As I look back over the past fifteen days of life and the events associated with it, there is a lot to learn in light of my observations. Just 15 days ago I and the generation I represent wouldn’t have thought to see it all. We feel proud of the fact that we are the generation who went from using analog phones to the digital world, as well as observing capitalism prevail over socialism. And then for the first time in our life, we have heard words like epidemic and pandemic, and are now expressing it ourselves.
Three weeks ago, a lockdown was imposed in Pakistan because of COVID-19. It took the fallen world into its own hands and Pakistan could not escape it. History says that mankind gets a habit of learning through disasters, and sometimes not even after that.
Some of my childhood friends who are still connected thought of initiating and providing help mainly to some lower-middle-class families who are suffering from the current lockdown situation with all businesses are closed. The inspiration at that time was to maintain their dignity while distributing ration to them as well as giving any other help. I volunteered because I had some people in sight. Initially, we contributed funds and started with a target to distribute ration among 200 households, but from there, what I witnessed could shake one’s soul.
I met Yasmin, a widow with 2 children and who is also converted from Christianity to Islam (this wasn’t the reason for providing her ration, as we delivered it regardless of religion, cast or ethnicity). When I was there to deliver her ration, she requested me to give it to her niece instead, who has 6 children and the last meal they had was 24 hours ago. It was shocking for me and on my promise that I will go right away and deliver to her niece as well, she accepted it.
I met a grandmother who lives in a room with her 3 grandchildren. She must be 80-year-old and waits for neighbors to provide her left-over bread and curries so she can feed the kids. These kids don’t even know if they would even have their next meal.
I met Saim and Rubina, who have 2 years and 6-months old girls. When I spoke with Rubina, she asked me for milk for their infants instead of ration. They were left with milk for just 1 more day. Saim works 2 jobs a day both on daily wages and was out of work. I cannot forget the desperation she had in her voice.
Few years ago, I personally went through an experience as a helpless father and I cannot forget it and in the last few weeks, I felt that same feeling of helplessness in the eyes of many other fathers and saw how our lower middle class (Sufaid Posh) class got into that situation.
There is nothing worse than a father arriving with empty hands when he gets home, and a mother’s false promises to her kids, believe me.
Praise be to Allah, with the help of my many friends and relatives, we have provided ration to 400 families to their doorsteps with respect and dignity.
Respect and dignity!!
Why have we forgotten about these two words when we know that everyone has a born right to them? COVID-19 came and will go, but no one can bring back dignity once it is gone. And that has been our inspiration to maintain their dignity.
I also wonder if we could have used our mosques better at this time. Why would we have to go 15 kilometers to help the needy if the community can be served better by local community centers like our mosques? Where are our third and fourth layered political workers? Aren’t they supposed to know everyone in the neighborhoods?
I think of the many changes that the coronavirus has brought to our society. Maybe this world will never be the same place anymore. But this pandemic has brought us all together. Today we know that whether Pakistan or India, USA or China, Russia or Europe, all of our shortcomings are the same. Whether the GDP is higher or lower, if you are a nuclear state or not, or if you’re a rich or a poor country, we are all equal in this moment.
The last time this probably happened was after World War II. Maybe it is time for world leaders to start spending money on health, education and human development rather than weapons. But what difference will it make with me writing it all here?
Now in my opinion, we are still provided with some opportunities after all of this. As a nation, we have gotten to know ourselves a bit better. We have gotten to know that sitting home and spending time with family is actually not a bad thing. So, all you men don’t have to go out in the evening, at least not every day. We can also live without eating out for 3 weeks, as well as do our shopping during the daylight. With that, we can close businesses at 8 pm like the rest of the world and save so much on energy. It is, therefore, a good chance to make use of the current situation.
Come on, PM Sahib! Make some bold decisions! These traders can close their shops at 8pm and this nation will get up at 9am and do their shopping! After all, we are a poor country…
This is a very difficult time. And I am afraid it is just the beginning. Given the conditions I have seen on the ground, I can say with certainty that no state or government can do anything alone. And with a country like Pakistan, where there is no data available, we cannot leave it to the government and state alone. Our state institutions lack resources, information and even the stamina to deal with everything.
In the end, all depends on Allah, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t to do our bit too. Trust me when I say that any one of us could have been the recipients, rather than the providers.
Update (11-04-20): Alhumdulillah, Rs 515,550 have been collected and transferred to my cousin’s account. InshaAllah this amount will be able to support 139 families (695 people) for 1 month, JazakAllah khair for your contributions.
Update (09-04-20):

Update (08-04-20): Msg from my cousin, “In the morning we distributed 11 ration packs, now we are about to reach to distribute 13 more ration packs… Just finished last shift. 13 more ration packages delivered just now. Can’t explain reactions of people when they get it. You are all getting prayers.”
Update (07-04-20): Msg from my cousin, “Off to distribute to another 26 families and after that purchasing”
Update (04-04-20): Msg from my cousin, “Ration for another 56 families delivered today, thanks to family and friends for their constant support. This was the highest number delivered in 1 day as the effort is now more improvised.”
The following text was published on 5th April 2020:
My cousin is completely indulged in this distribution, from morning to evening, for the past 9 days, with the help and support of family members, relatives, friends and colleagues. He does the purchasing of groceries in bulk in the least possible rates and he is purchasing the flour from the flour mill directly, to get the best possible rates. Then the packing of the ration packs is being done at another cousin’s house, with the help of family members, helpers and colleagues. He does the verification and arrange lists of deserving families with addresses and phone numbers and then visit the houses of each family in his car, along with a colleague, to deliver the ration packs.
He is not distributing randomly on the streets or to professional beggars. His focus is on the lower middle class, who are not beggars and who were able to support their families financially by working as daily wagers but are no longer able to afford even food for their families, due to the lockdown. These families are ashamed of begging and thus it is very critical to deliver ration at their houses, to keep their dignity intact. After delivering the ration, he emphasizes on the families to stay at home and to keep their children at home.
He even came across a family of 2 adults and 6 children with the eldest child of 8 years, and they had not eaten anything for the past 24 hr. He also came across a 13 years old girl, living with her younger brother, younger orphan cousin and old grandmother.
One ration pack is good enough for 5 people for a month, it contains 13 items, including:
- Aata / Flour : 20kg
- Ghee : 5kg
- Lentils : 5kg (1kg of each type)
- Rice : 2kg
- Sugar : 2kg
- Milk : 27 packs (220ml each)
- Tea : 1/2 kg
- Salt
- Spice
- Haldi / Turmeric
- Soap
- Panadol
The initial cost of this ration pack was Rs 4,100 but after some time and negotiations, he was able to get it reduced to Rs 3,700. He was also able to meet a flour mill owner to get Rs 70 discount on flour.
As of 4th April 2020, he has delivered ration packs of around Rs 700,000 to 181 families, which should be enough for 905 people for a month. These families were mainly located in Gawal Mandi, Dhoke Hassu, Jhangi Syedan, Bakra Mandi and Adaya Road, etc. He has shared his expereinces of ration distribution in the voice and video msgs below. He has a pending list of another 100+ deserving families, where ration is required and Zakat is applicable on almost all of these families.
Groceries Purchasing
Preparation of Ration Packs
Verification and Preparation of Deserving Families Lists
Distribution of Ration Packs
If you would like to donate any money then it will be transferred to my cousin’s bank account. Donations can be made through any of the following channels:
- In cash to me
- Via STC Pay (Instructions)
- In my KSA Bank Account
- In my Pakistani Bank Account
- Via PayPal – https://paypal.me/urShadow
M. Javed Sajid says
Hi Nauman,
Masha Allah you n your team are doing a great job. May Almighty Allah accept it n grant you Ajar-e-Azeem for this.
Just one suggestion, ask your cousin to add sone rice also in the list. I found it missing in the items list.
Best regards,
Muhammad Javed Sajid (Oman)
Nauman Khan says
Assalamualikum Sir, ameen, jazakAllah khair for pointing it out, 2kg rice were already in the ration pack but my cousin had forgotten to mention it, I have added it in the list now.
Nauman Khan says
M. Javed Sajid commented on WhatsApp: “👍”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Umair Sami commented on WhatsApp: “👍 mashaAllah, Allah aap ko bohat jazaye khair de. This work is the need of the time.”
Nauman Khan says
Nusrat Rehan Mazhary commented on WhatsApp: “Great effort by this guy. Kudos and hats off to him.”
Nauman Khan says
Adeel Akram commented on WhatsApp: “Wa alaikum musalam, Ameen sumameen, JazakAllahu khairan”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Nasim commented on WhatsApp: “Asslam o Alikum, jazakAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Syed Adil commented on WhatsApp: “walikumassalam, Thanks for your continuous support, BarakAllahu feq”
Nauman Khan says
Sajid Sayyad commented on WhatsApp: “Asalam u Alaikum Nauman Bhai.. .It’s a great initiative from it cousin, Thanks Nauman Bhai”
Nauman Khan says
Nusrat Rehan Mazhary commented on WhatsApp: “Thanks, What’s the minimum amount that is acceptable? And are these guys eligible for zakat? Thanks”
Nauman Khan says
there is no minimum threshold, anyone can contribute as per his/her convenience, recommended can be Rs 3,700, which is the price of 1 ration pack, which supports 5 family members for 1 month. generally all families are eligible for zakat, plz have a look at his voice msg, he answers this question
Nauman Khan says
Athar ul Haq commented on WhatsApp: “Thanks…I saw the details really impressive…Allah aap ko aur poori team ko jazae khair de….ameen”
Nauman Khan says
Nusrat Rehan Mazhary commented on WhatsApp: “👍”
Nauman Khan says
Sarmad Shafiq commented on WhatsApp: “Salam Nomana bhai, Thanks, thanks, May Allah accept, Thanks for confirming”
Nauman Khan says
Athar ul Haq commented on WhatsApp: “Masha Allah….”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Adeel Akram commented on WhatsApp: “JazakAllahu khairan”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Umair Sami commented on WhatsApp: “aoa, ok either way”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Ali Sohail commented on WhatsApp: “Asalam o alaikum, Whats the name of your cousin, And where he lives in Islamabad? Okay, Mein apko kal call karta hun, Thanks, Ok thanks”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Ali Sohail commented on WhatsApp: “asalam o alaikum nouman bhai, Hanji. I was calling to let u know, Thankyou & jizakallah nouman bhai”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Nasim commented on WhatsApp: “Tell me if possible now. is zakat applicable?”
Nauman Khan says
Hammad Raza Jaffery commented on WhatsApp: “Noman, Thanks”
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “Ok Inshallah”
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “👍”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Ali Sohail commented on WhatsApp: “Alhamdulillah. Jizakallah khair for yours & his efforts”
Nauman Khan says
Shahzad Naveed commented on WhatsApp: “JazakAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Jazaakallah Nomi, Thanks alot.”
Nauman Khan says
Tauqeer Hussain commented on WhatsApp: “Jazakallah khair, MashaAllah ur cousin is doing best part”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Nasim commented on WhatsApp: “In Sha Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “Inshallah, Is this ongoing ?”
Nauman Khan says
Wajahat Ali Khan commented on WhatsApp: “please is this still valid or closed ? Thanks. will update you, Thanks”
Nauman Khan says
Sajjad Riaz commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam-o-Alaikum, Jazaka’Allah Khair”
Nauman Khan says
Sajjad Riaz commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam-o-Alaikum, Jazaka’Allah Khairr”
Nauman Khan says
Imran Saleem commented on WhatsApp: “Bro, السلام علیکم, جزاک اللہ خیر”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Nasim commented on WhatsApp: “what’s the status?, do you still need donation for this?, how much?, how much is required?, any update?, how many families for which we need to arrange food items?, ?, plz Confirm, This is a donation for ration packs, for daily wagers, plz send me the detail status later, jazakAllah, Plz Confirm,”
Nauman Khan says
Nusrat Rehan Mazhary commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa, what’s your email address?, Is your cousin still doing the ration distribution thing?, good.., thank you, I hope hes taking care of himself while doing all the khair, May Allah give him jaza and take care of him in this cause, and thank him for doing this from my side as well”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Usman Saleem commented on WhatsApp: “AoA, hope you are well & safe. May Allah reward you for your efforts. May Allah help everyone in this difficult time, please check on Tuesday/ Wednessday, Alhamdolillah”
Nauman Khan says
Zafir commented on WhatsApp: “Can I give zakat for this?”
Nauman Khan says
Fahd Javed commented on WhatsApp: “Just saw your message about supporting families… how can I help so that they can continue with this noble act, 👍”
Nauman Khan says
Zarrar Khan commented on WhatsApp: “How much does he need?”
Nauman Khan says
Attique Momin commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa, JazakAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Attique Momin commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa, is there a possibility to convey your cousin about a few deserving families who require ration near morgah rawalpindi?, I understand. If possible then plz ask him. There are around 5-6 families. Head of the houses are mostly drivers and conductors of route buses and now they do not have a job. They belong to muzaffarabad kashmir and reside near Morgah rawalpindi., If he is not able to help plz let me know i will check from somewhere else, Ok, I just have one name. Leme ask other, Yes i have asked for it, He is my office peon’s contacts. Will get back to u Insha’Allah, All reside in same colony and are relatives, So out of these 5 families can be chosen and sent 5 ration packs, JazakAllah,”
Nauman Khan says
Attique Momin commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa can u plz check with ur cousin. That deserving person called up to ask, Alright, Ration has been delivered, JazakAllah khair,”
Nauman Khan says
Imran Saleem commented on WhatsApp: “ماشاء اللہ”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Nasim commented on WhatsApp: “Jazaakallah khair bro. Sorry I was out last night for rationing and all day today. Just got back from deliveries. You have been a great help.”
Nauman Khan says
Nusrat Rehan Mazhary commented on WhatsApp: “Don’t see any link.”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Ali Sohail commented on WhatsApp: “Especially to those who are impacted by lockdown, Thanks noman bhai, Jizakallah khair”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Nasim commented on WhatsApp: “no send it to daily wagers, i Hope you need it? its ok don’t return, 👍🏻, cousin project”
Nauman Khan says
Taimur Ahsan commented on WhatsApp: “AoA”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Salam, Bro, I will confirm now in Saddar area distributing.”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Jazakallah Nomi. I will insha Allah buy more ration tomorrow.”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Ready for distribution of rations. Complete precautions from now on.”
Nauman Khan says
Fatima Shabbir commented on WhatsApp: “I am ok with what you find best, JazakAllah Khairun”
Nauman Khan says
Shahzad Naveed commented on WhatsApp: “JazakAllah, Please . JazakAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Wasif Kamal commented on WhatsApp: “Another zakat option, Ration drive pindi funds needed there ? 140 families still a big number, May ALLAH help us”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Nasim commented on WhatsApp: “For this, plz Confirm, 😊 jazakAllah, 👍🏻 barakAllahu feq”
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “Hows ration distrbution of covid, Inshallah”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “🙏🙏🙏 In a webinar”
Nauman Khan says
Farrukh Masood commented on WhatsApp: “Mere ghar se, Oo Bhai tere pe trust hai tu Jahan Marzi de dena, No prob 👍, Bhai mien use nai krta email, 🙏 Bhai q naiki barbad kr raha hai, tujhe diye the tu trust pe diye the , bs ALLAH qabool farmye”
Nauman Khan says
Athar ul Haq commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o alaikum, Nauman sb 🙂 Thanks and jazzak Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Jamshed Anwer commented on WhatsApp: “Hi Nauman, A lot of people are collecting but as it’s your cousin so I assume we can have 100% confidence that it’s going to the needy.”
Nauman Khan says
Sana Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa are you ration to needy people? you are not doing this time? sure”
Nauman Khan says
Wasif Kamal commented on WhatsApp: “Your cousin doing rashaan distribution this year ? So i can share zakat”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Noted, JazakAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “JazakAllah bro”