Update (20-07-19): Alhumdulillah, the construction for Family 2 is complete. The status of the construction can be seen in the pictures below:
The construction for Family 1 will start after the month of Muharram, this is as per the request of the Family 1 as they will be able to shift in a camp while the roof of their house is being rebuilt.
Compilation of Urdu msgs from my father about the updated status of the construction is as follows:
Update (15-05-19): Alhumdulillah, the total required amount of SR 13,350 (Rs 500,000) has been gathered, I will update you on the progress of the construction after Eid inshaAllah, jazakAllah khair for your contributions.
Update (09-05-19): Alhumdulillah, SR 8,734 (Rs 329.820) have been gathered, we are looking for your support for the remaining SR 4,616 (Rs 174,327) to complete this project inshaAllah. Both families are eligible for Zakat.
Update (30-04-19): Alhumdulillah, the construction of the washroom for Family 2 is complete. For raising the level of the floor, it was discovered that the trolly cannot reach the house as the street is too narrow. This is the last house on the street thus it would take extra labor to bring the mud from the trolly to the house. This expenditure was beyond the estimated budget thus the Family 2 requested to build an extra room for them instead of raising the floor as they all currently live in 1 room. The construction of an additional room is already underway. The status of the construction can be seen in the pictures below:
The construction for Family 1 will inshaAllah start after Eid due to the unavailability of inexpensive labor during wheat harvesting season.
The updated status of the construction, from my father, in Urdu voice msg is as follows:
Update (09-04-19): Alhumdulillah, SAR 8,000 have been collected and have reached to my father. Distribution of this collection is as follows:
Donations collected specifically for Family 1: SAR 1,913
Donations collected specifically for Family 2: SAR 1,624
Donations collected for both Families: SAR 4,463
My father informed that he will start the requirement of adding mud to raise the level of the house for Family 2 right away.
I will inshaAllah run another campaign at the start of the Ramadan in an effort to gather the remaining SAR 5,350 (Rs 200,000). JazakAllah
Update (28-03-19): A donor inquired on how my father knows these families. This information has been added in the below post, along with the voice msgs from my father.
Update (27-03-19): A few donors inquired if these families are eligible for Zakat. My father checked and confirmed that both families are eligible for Zakat. This information has been added in the below post.
The following text was published on 23rd March 2019:
Family 1
The owner of this house is an old man living with his 3 daughters. He use to do labor in his youth and with the money he saved, he was able to construct this house. With time the house has got old and need repair, which he cannot afford. The roof of the house is made up of canes and thus it has started leaking heavily during rains. Also, the surface level of the house has gone down 3 feet below the street level thus all rainwater from the street comes in the house. The current state of the house can be seen in the pictures below:
The requirement is to construct a roof made up of bricks and to add mud to raise the level of the house. The estimated cost, as of March 2019, for the completion of these two tasks is Rs 375,000 (SAR 10,000). The breakdown of the estimated cost is as follows:

A donor requested information on how my father knows this family. My father informed that the plumber who works at our house informed about this family and then my father visited this family along with the plumber to analyze the situation. His response in Urdu voice msg is as follows:
Family 2
This family lives in the last house on the street and the surface level of this house is also 3 to 4 feet lower than the street level thus all rainwater from the street comes in the house. They were also in need of a fan for the children, Alhumdulillah, that has been arranged. The current state of the house can be seen in the pictures below:
The requirement is to construct a washroom and to add mud to raise the level of the house. The estimated cost, as of March 2019, for the completion of these two tasks is Rs 125,000 (SAR 3,350).
A donor requested information on how my father knows this family. My father informed that one of the men from this family is a shepherd and he has been coming, with his goats, to the area near our house for 10+ years. He does not own the goats, people lend him their goats on a contract thus he is just a caretaker. My father’s response in Urdu voice msg is as follows:
Compilation of Urdu messages received from my father about this project
If you would like to donate any money then it will be transferred to my father and he will get the construction done under his supervision. Both families are eligible for Zakat. Donations can be made through any of the following channels:
- In cash to me
- In my KSA Bank Account
- In my Pakistani Bank Account
- Via PayPal – https://paypal.me/urShadow
Nauman Khan says
Syed Adil commented on WhatsApp: “Done”
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “👍👍”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Lone commented on WhatsApp: “MSA great news”
Nauman Khan says
Zahid Naseer commented on WhatsApp: “Masha Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “👍 👍”
Nauman Khan says
Wasif Kamal commented on WhatsApp: “Zakat applicable ?”
Nauman Khan says
Assalamualikum, I have received confirmation from my father, both families are eligible for Zakat.
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Affan Butt commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa. Bhai. Zakat applicable?, Jazakum Allah khair.”
Nauman Khan says
Assalamualikum, I have received confirmation from my father, both families are eligible for Zakat.
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Affan Butt commented on WhatsApp: “Jazakum Allah khair.”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Waqas commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa, Do you know them personally ?”
Nauman Khan says
Waliqumaslam, the pics are taken by my father and he will be taking care of the repair himself but let me check how he knows them
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Waqas commented on WhatsApp: “great, thanks, Done”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Lone commented on WhatsApp: “How to send money to Pakistan, to whom, Paypal should be fine I think, U have PayPal in saudi riyal currency, How does conversion takes place on paypal if I send gbp PayPal account to sar PayPal account”
Nauman Khan says
Mine is in USD and Euro, GBP will be converted to USD, the rate usually is not that good but u can chk from PayPal on your side
Nauman Khan says
Asad Lone commented on WhatsApp: “Ok. Is there anyone in Pakistan who can receive cash over counter? I will send via worldremit website. The recipient can collect their money from any branch of Allied Bank, Bank Al Habib, Bank of Punjab, MCB. There r no charges from this website, WU charges I think, And I have used it before, Ok, I need email, mobile number, full name and address please, Yes, Please”
Nauman Khan says
I have not used it before, I can give my father’s info if u want to try
Nauman Khan says
Asad Lone commented on WhatsApp: “salaam, ok i will confirm u soon, ISA it can be collected tomorrow from any branch of Allied Bank, Bank Al Habib, Bank of Punjab, MCB. you will receive email one its ready for pickup, Jazakallah Khair”
Nauman Khan says
Wasif Abbasi commented on WhatsApp: “Inshallah, Today inshallah i ll do and inform you, Done, May allah accept our efforts. Ameen”
Nauman Khan says
Zahid Naseer commented on WhatsApp: “Masha Allah Nouman, May Allah reward you and your father for your efforts.”
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “Got it, Thanks”
Nauman Khan says
Mujtaba Faraaz commented on WhatsApp: “Salaamalikum, I think it will be better if we Let the family head decide if he wants to use the money for renovation or fulfill their other needs. Jazak Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Imran Reayat commented on WhatsApp: “Asalam-o-alaykum, please confirm receipt, Brother, 5.20 is commision of paypal ? i see…”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Tarin commented on WhatsApp: “Assalamoalaikum, Nouman bhai yeh 2non famies kia zakaat ke liye mustahiq hain, Walaikum Assalaam Jaza ka ALLAH”
Nauman Khan says
Assalamualikum, I have received confirmation from my father, both families are eligible for Zakat.