Update (10-04-21): Feedback from my father about the dates in Urdu. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.
Update (27-01-21): Alhumdulillah, 2,000 kg dates have reached Multan for the distribution in the month of Ramadan 2021, inshaAllah. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (31-12-20): Alhumdulillah, payment for the cargo was made, jazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (27-10-20): Alhumdulillah, based on the gathered donations, we are targetting a distribution of around 2,000 kg of dates in Multan in the month of Ramadan 2021, inshaAllah. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.
The following text was published on 21st October 2020:
Like the last 4 years, inshaAllah we will be sending dates from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan for the month of Ramadan for distribution among:
- Students and Teachers of the boarding Quran Schools (madrasas) where iftar is arranged
- Mosques (masajid) where iftar is arranged
- Travelers and Coolies on Railway Stations and Bus Stations
- Orphan Children of SOS Village
- Needy / Underprivileged
This year we are initiating this project earlier to accommodate any delays in the shipment due to COVID-19. The cost of the dates has already been donated, we need to arrange the cost of the cargo, which will be around SR 3/kg (Rs 130/kg) (The exact cost will be known after the shipment). The distribution of the dates in Multan will be managed by my father. Plz have a look at his feedback on the previous years’ projects at the links below.
If you would like to contribute to the cost of the cargo then plz confirm by Monday, 26th October 2020. You can donate through any of the following channels:
- In cash to me
- Via STC Pay (Instructions)
- In my KSA Bank Account
- In my Pakistani Bank Account
- Via PayPal – https://paypal.me/urShadow
Nauman Khan says
Sajid Umar commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam-o-Alaikum. Approx how much (weight) you are planning to send to Pakistan for the said purpose. and to what area the distribution plan in Pakistan… (Just for info)”
Nauman Khan says
Waliqumaslam, plz have a look at previous years projects for details
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Affan Butt commented on WhatsApp: “Alsalam o Alaikum”
Nauman Khan says
Salman Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “Nomi bhae, is it the same project. Which u had done earlier for dates donation in pak.. OK, shukran..”
Nauman Khan says
Khurram Arsalan commented on WhatsApp: “What is the total cost of 3KG Ajwa?”
Nauman Khan says
This is a different project, plz have a look at the above msg
Nauman Khan says
Saima Akmal commented on WhatsApp: “Ok zabardust, In sha Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Tanweer Khan commented on WhatsApp: “MashaAllah, 👍”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Imran commented on WhatsApp: “ASA, How much total cost of the cargo?”
Nauman Khan says
Waliqumaslam, that will depend on the amount of dates, we will be able to send the dates based on the total collection of donations inshaAllah
Nauman Khan says
Tasawar Nawaz Khan commented on WhatsApp: “InshaAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Jan e Alam commented on WhatsApp: “Inshanallah,جزاک اللہ خیرا, Inshanallah, جزاک اللہ خیرا”
Nauman Khan says
Salman Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “Aslam O Alikum, I sent this amount few days ago, 👍”
Nauman Khan says
Salman Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “W. Slam… When it is expected to be there.. Right. Thanks… So means, it already transported..”
Nauman Khan says
Salman Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “Nomi bhae, is it the same project. Which u had done earlier for dates donation in pak.. OK, shukran..”
Nauman Khan says
Nisar Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “Salam, What is required for confirmation, And when I have to remit the funds In shaa Allah, In shaa Allah, Sure In shaa Allah, Salam, ok, Wa alikum Salam, Sure will do it on Tuesday In shaa Allah, Salam”
Nauman Khan says
Tanweer Khan commented on WhatsApp: “👍, Sent him this message, Alhamdolillah,MashaAllah, Alhumdulillah, Walaicum Assalm, I have informed, Will get back to you as soon as u get update. Hopefully in this week”
Nauman Khan says
Tanweer Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Would you please check with him or would you like me to look into it. Let me touch base with him 👍”
Nauman Khan says
Salman Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “Shukran… Noted. Will arrange.. OK, thanks.. He shared some pics with me.. OK, will follow up.. Noted and thanks.. Jazaka Allah khair”
Nauman Khan says
Tanweer Khan commented on WhatsApp: “jazakAllah khair, agreed, Recived 👍🏼, Dates recived today alhamdolillah, Total Expected were 20 right and 9 recived, Plz. Confirm, Alhamdolillah. Great news 🎉”