Darul Uloom Naeemia, Karachi (Urdu)

As per Darul Uloom Naeemia, Karachi, the amount of Fitrana (Sadqa e Fitr) for Ramadan 2021 – 1442H is as follows:
The minimum amount of Sadqa-e-Fitr for the current year has been fixed at Rs 140 per person by Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman. Mufti Muneeb also advised the people to pay the amount to the poor before Eid-ul-Fitr so that they could also celebrate the festival. The most deserving people for ‘Sadqa-e-Fitr’ are close relatives followed by neighbors and the poor.
Serial # | Item Name | Quantity | Amount (PKR) |
1. | Kishmish (Raisin) | 4kg | Rs 1,920 |
2. | Khajur (Dates) | 4kg | Rs 960 |
3. | Jow (Barley) | 4kg | Rs 320 |
4. | Ghandum ka Chakki ka Atta (Millstone Wheat Flour) | 2kg | Rs 140 |
Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi (English)
Assalamualikum Warhmatullah, I am sending the chart of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr. Taking into account the whole country, I have mentioned prices little high as a precaution. Those living abroad and wishing to send Sadaqat-ul-Fitr to their poor relatives or neighbors in their homeland, they should pay Sadaqat-ul-Fitr according to the country where they are fasting. Yes, They can convert Riyal or Dollar or other currency into rupee and send it to their country. Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi

As per Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi, India/Saudi Arabia, the amount of Fitrana (Sadqa e Fitr) for Pakistan for Ramadan 2021 – 1442H is as follows:
Serial # | Item Name | Quantity | Amount (PKR) |
1. | Kishmish (Raisin) | 3.5kg | Rs 1,600 |
2. | Khajur (Dates) | 3.5kg | Rs 840 |
3. | Jow (Barley) | 3.5kg | Rs 240 |
4. | Ghandum (Wheat) / Atta (Flour) | 1.75 kg | Rs 90 |
Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi (Urdu)
لسلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ وبرکاتہ، صدقہ عید الفطر کا چارٹ ارسال کیا جارہا ہے، جس میں پورے ملک کو سامنے رکھ کر احتیاطاً قیمتیں تھوڑی زیادہ لکھی گئی ہے۔ جو حضرات بیرون ممالک میں مقیم ہیں اور وہ اپنے وطن میں موجود غریب رشتہ داروں کو صدقہ عید الفطر بھیجنا چاہتے ہیں تو جہاں روزے رکھے ہیں اسی کے حساب سے صدقہ فطر ادا کریں، ہاں ریال یا ڈالر یا دوسری کرنسی کو روپئے میں تبدیل کرکے اپنے ملک میں بھیج سکتے ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر محمد نجیب قاسمی سنبھلی

Nauman Khan says
Saima Akmal commented on WhatsApp: “Jazakallah Hu khair an kaseera”
Nauman Khan says
Javed Sajid commented on WhatsApp: “jazakAllah khair”
Nauman Khan says
Zohaib Arshad commented on WhatsApp: “jazakAllah for the info”
Nauman Khan says
Tauqeer Hussain commented on WhatsApp: “Any idea, how and where to give fitr? 👍”
Nauman Khan says
Mushtaq Ahmad commented on WhatsApp: “jazakAllah khair, Thanks a lot for very efficient implementation.
میری طرف سے اپنے والد صاحب کا بہت بہت شکریہ ادا کر دیجئے گا”