Update (10-04-22): Plz try to support this startup by using their services or referring someone. It is being run by two orphan young siblings. They are in a tight financial situation thus any support will be helpful, JazakAllah khair.

Update (10-04-22): The family had an accident and due to non-payment of rent, were kicked-out of their home. The temporarily lived in a mosque. They were offered a job in Rawalpindi in an orphanage thus they sold their tution center stuff and moved to Rawalpindi. After a month, they were fired at one day’s notice. Someone offered them a temporary accomodation in under construction house in Bhara Kahu. They again started a tution center but after a few months they had another accident and that caused unpaid rent. Alhumdulillah, Rs 15,100 has been collected and transferred to the family. This should help them passing Ramadan and getting students after Eid. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (05-08-21): The family was again in need of ration. Alhumdulillah, Rs 6,500 has been collected and transferred to the family. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (14-12-20): The family was again in need as four students went on vacation without paying the tuition fees. Alhumdulillah, Rs 10,000 has been collected and transferred to the family. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

Update (09-06-20): The government has continued the lockdown of educational institutes till 15th July 2020 thus this family couldn’t resume the operations of their tuition center properly. Four students re-joined the tuition center thus the family was able to earn Rs 7,500, which was used in ration and bills. They were again looking for support to pay the rent of their house plus tuition center for the month of June 2020. They were also looking for support for visiting a doctor and for the medicine of the mother. They are eligible for Zakat.
Alhumdulillah, Rs 33,000 have been collected and transferred to the family for rent, medicine and visiting the doctor. JazakAllah khair for your contributions. They are expecting seven more students to join from the start of July 2020.

Update (05-05-20): Alhumdulillah, Rs 34,035 (SAR 809) have been collected and transferred to the family. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

The following text was published on 5th May 2020:
This is a family of three teachers, a mother and his young orphan son and daughter, who started their own tuition center in their rented home, in January this year, using all their savings. They had started to meet their basic financial needs through the revenue generated from the tuition center but since the lockdown, their tuition center has been shut down, which was their only source of income and being a startup, they don’t have any more savings.
They were able to arrange the rent for their home plus tuition center and basic necessities for the month of April by selling some household items but now they are left with nothing to pay the rent for the month of May. Their landlord is threatening them to leave the house if they can’t pay. They need a total of Rs 34,000 (SAR 809) for the month of May: Rs 28,000 for the rent of their house plus tuition center and Rs 6,000 (SAR 143) for the ration and basic necessities.
The lockdown is expected to end by 31st May and thus they should be able to reopen their tuition center from the next month.
If you would like to donate any money then it will be transferred to this family. Donations can be made through any of the following channels:
- In cash to me
- Via STC Pay (Instructions)
- In my KSA Bank Account
- In my Pakistani Bank Account
- Via PayPal – https://paypal.me/urShadow
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum, Kaise hai ap, Kya apse isi number pe bat ho sakti hai, Theek hai, mei bhejta hun, ap plz online he rahiye ga, Bas yehi bat thi…. Should i share anything else? Agr koi aur cheez ho to mei bta sakta hun, Thank you”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Wa Alaikum Assalam, Allah apko jazai khair de bhai…. Hamari is waqt koi help nahi kar raha lekin ap phir bhi deekh rahe hai, Thank you, Mei eik bat poch sakta hun, can i ask one thing, InshAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Well it is quite true and at the same time appropriate, I cannot thank you enough, May Allah bless you InshAllah i hope people will help, Yes i have, should i send, Shukar Alhamdullilah, I knew Allah would not leave me alone, i dont have words to explain your kindness, I really cannot explain with words, Thank you so much, I promise to Allah when i am able i will return this favour, InshAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Affan Butt commented on WhatsApp: “Aslalam o Alaikum, let me know”
Nauman Khan says
Jan e Alam commented on WhatsApp: “Aslamoalikum. Inshanallah. Jazakallah khair, Done. Jazakallah khair for sharing”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Noted, Just called that number and it is switched off. Will call again and leave a message as well. Okie, abhi kerta hoon. yaar rationing and office phir rozay ke baad phir ration. 2 mins, talking to him now, great, Alhamdulillah”
Nauman Khan says
Rao Farhan commented on WhatsApp: “In shah ALLAH, Ok alhumdulillah and ma shah ALLAH”
Nauman Khan says
Saad Naveed commented on WhatsApp: “in sha’Allah, JazakAllahu khairan katheera, May Allah reward you a lot for making this happen”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Ali Sohail commented on WhatsApp: “Is the rent 28K per month ? Alhamdulillah”
Nauman Khan says
Mushtaq Ahmad commented on WhatsApp: “Keep it for next time. I can’t match your speed.”
Nauman Khan says
Sajid Umar commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam-o-Alaikum, Is that workable?”
Nauman Khan says
Wasif Kamal commented on WhatsApp: “You got the collection for this case ? Allhumdulliah”
Nauman Khan says
Athar ul Haq commented on WhatsApp: “Dear Nauman sb, Assalam o alaikum, Hoping your Ramadan would be fine… Thanks and take care, Athar, Shukria, Nauman sb, Thanks”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum, Brother how are you, I am good bhai, I hope you are not busy, Oh, Well i’ll then leave a message, Bhai I first of all wanted to say thank you to you, Beshak to Allah first, Brother It kills me to ask another favour knowing especially that you have helped me and also knowing that I am not the only person in trouble out there, You are constantly helping many other people as i have read in the articles of The Clear Evidence Website, You have been like a big brother to me. And InshAllah I will repay this debt by helping someone when Allah gives me the chance, But only Allah can truly give you back for this. My Dua is that Allah gives you hundred folds of it, Yes, Ok, But you are right they maybe some things which might not even be in my knowledge, so i will look into it thoroughly and will tell you sincerely”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum Bhai, I have understood in detail about zakat. , And a lot of thanks. I am glad that I got to know the proper knowledge of Third Pillar of Islam. , But bhai anything would be better than nothing, Shukar Alhamdullilah, Bhai still I know this is Help from Allah, But still Thank you bhai, Allah has no doubt given me a big brother, May Allah Give you and your family. And all the people who are associated with The Clear Evidence endless Ajar, InshAllah one day zaroor I will join…..”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum, How are you bhai, From these past 2 to 3 days I was consistently thinking about you, so i thought to ask about your health, Was feeling very grateful to Allah that the Almighty gave me a big brother like you bhai, I hope you are doing well”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum, How are you bhai, Alhamdullilah bhai, Allah has been very merciful to me, Bhai there is one thing I wanted to share with you, If its not a busy time of yours, Ok Thank you bhai, Bhai first of I really want to thank you for looking out for me. And i cannot describe the magnificence of my Allah. I still remember the day when I was worried and didnt know what would happen for the month of July, For May and June you helped me out, But in July 4 students who were cousins from a wealthy family came for admission and Alhamdullilah they agreed on 7000 each, Since that day my life has been very peaceful because that addition of 28k 7k from each one brought my family life on track, But this last week a problem occurred for us, These 4 students they were planning on a trip for upper side for at least 20 days since summer, on 4th of December they told me that they were going on 6 of december, I of course told them not to go because of corona virus and the extreme temperatures, and of course was worried about my life circle, At first they agreed and it was a sign of relief for me. But I guess i didnt observe their minds carefully and they went on the 6th and are still now in Muree, I did request them if they could pay the fees because our classes were still going but their parents didnt agree., They will return on at least 25 December or maybe late Allah knows best, Bhai I know that asking for help more than 1 time makes a man somewhat greedy in a sense that he learns to always lean on others, Thats why i didnt had the strength to share this with you because the hadith of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him kept coming in my mind about the hakim wo kept asking for help but the 4th time the Prophet Peace be upon him have an true advice, And even though educational institutes are closed But that is not the problem for me right now and I can never mention false reasons because the Grip of Allah is severe, I tried getting a loan from some neighbours but they couldn’t help me out other than buying some vegetables, I know bhai its not good to ask again I just dont want you to think of me like a beggar. My mother gave me the strength to ask you for this. She said its better not to overthink and even though it might happen that you cant help me out, But at least you know this way I will know that I will have to wait for Allah,s help, May Allah bring happiness upon you bhai and your whole family. And again I am sorry for bringing my matter again. Just please dont be mad at me, Bhai I cannot thank you enough. My mother was right that you will not be mad at me, Bhai our life is exactly the same like it was when i accepted zakat last time, Do you think this issue InshAllah will be solved, I have to pay my rent on 20 December or fully maximum till 27 .That is why I asked, InshAllah, I will keep them safe and InshAllah try my best to manage my Rent again, Because all is done by Allah, And Bhai you really are my big brother, I cant wait to meet you one day and give you a big hug, a very big one”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum, How are you bhai, I hope that you and your family are healthy and safe, Alhamdullilah bhai., Bhai was the issue resolved., Last time I remeber you told that there was a pause in charity, I hope that it starts as soon as possible by the will of Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum, How are you Bhai, Alhamdullilah Bhai., May Allah always bless you with happiness and prosperity., In this life and in the Hereafter, Bhai are you busy, Then should i message some time latee, later*, Can I leave a message so that you can read it at a later time., I meant the longer messages., But I am still writing., InshAllah I know bhai that you will read them, Bhai First of all I am really grateful to Allah. I just wish that my life was not in such an upsetting stage., I always try my best to manage it by myself., But uptil now once or twice every year there comes a time when I am left with nothing, I know that you have always tried your best to help me out., Last time even when The Clear Evidence was on hold. You helped me out and believed in me., This is something that has shaken me., And Bhai believe me I am really not like deliberately saying these things., Even Now i am just writing what is coming from my heart., Your kindness to me is unforgettable., Today i wanted to ask 2 favours from you Bhai., The First is that Bhai I really am a good teacher., And if i can get the students i need to fill my Academy. I will easily manage and even save some money. But i just dont know why the students are not coming. Corona has effected Education so much that whenever I go outside schools and academies are closing., I wanted to ask you that Do you know someone in Multan., Or maybe if your brother might know. Someone of some influence so that they can tell students to at least check out my Academy., Because Allah knows and I can promise that if any student just spends only 2 to 3 days with us., He will love it here because I teach with my heart out., I love teaching., And the 2nd thing was that after 3 days my ration in my home will end. And my Rent is again due for this month because only 4 students are coming., Last week there went a day when we didnt had anything to eat but Allah helped me and a student once had a pending fees of 1000 which he gave me back, But it will end after these 2 or 3 days., I know its like I am always coming to you for help., I try my extreme end to somehow manage it and I always pray to Allah., I never miss Namaz. I pray 5 times because i know it brings barkat. But when i see nothing only then I ask you Bhai, Bhai like you have always believed. Plz believe me I hate myself whenever i ask for help., Because I want to give to people but I cant just be upset with Allah for it. I know i always have to say shukar alhamdullilah., Bhai please do read these messages I know that they are very huge and You are very busy of course., But After Allah and His Prophet Muhammad PBUH and my Mama and Sister, You are the only closest person I have like family to me., I need you again Bhai., May you be nearest to Muhammad S.A.W on the day of Judgment as closest as possible and you deserve this., The comfort you have given to my Family. How can Allah forget., Of Course…, I already have Ads, Designed, I will share with you Bhai, Thank you Bhai., I also have a pamphlet type., I just need to make some adjustments., I will send you soon InshAllah, I did made something but before a year ago., Now i will make another one and will send you it InshAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum Bhai. I hope you and your family are in the best of Health by Grace of Allah. Our family were remembering you a lot today, so I thought to say Salam to you. Brother How are you these days. We were missing you very much these days. May Allah shower his blessings upon you bhai.”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum. Bhai there were some things I wanted to share with you. You might remember that after August 6, I suddenly vanished. I actually had an accident. After that things became worse, our landlord kicked us out while I had just recovered. I remember that you were disappointed when I again asked for help. I just didnt had the courage to say again. Eventually I was able to put Mama and Sister somewhere safe, I was living in a mosque nearby. It was when I came by an opportunity in Rawalpindi. Some retired officers wanted to hire some teachers and a supervisor for a shelter home for orphaned families. I thought it was a blessing from Allah so I immediately sold the majority of stuff of tuition centre and came to Pindi. At that time, the house to be used for the families was in bad condition. But I had experience in house maintenance so I fixed everything and all was fine Alhamdullilah. Shortly after we came, the families which were to live there also came and we thought Allah gave us a new beginning. But after a month I suddenly get a call that they have hired someone else besides us, and that we have to leave by tomorrow. At that time, it was like the life out of me was taken. I told them that if they did this, I would be on the streets. But they didnt even budget. After some time, I found out that they had hired some relatives. And then the next day, our stuff and us were forced out. Again on the streets. After a few hours, someone passed by and was curious about us.”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “When I shared some insights, he said that he had a 2 room Flat in Bhara Kahu(40-50 min drive from Islamabad) which is under construction. He said that we could stay there for a couple of weeks only temporarily till I could find some solution. And that is the place where I am at now. Athal, Bhara Kahu at Simly Dam Road. It has been a misery but I will stay say Shukar Alhamdullilah for all Allah has given me. I never miss my Namaz and I love and believe in Allah. During all this, our results from Multan also came. You will be proud of it InshaAllah. So with all that I had left, I started the tuition centre again because there was not much competition in the area. I had to do something.”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “But 3 weeks ago, me and Mama slipped of our bike and had an bad accident. I still recovered but Mama is still bed ridden and in pain. And the rest is very bad news from again not having anything left to unpaid promised Rent. Bhai, the reason I wanted to tell you all this was not to beg for money again. To be honest with you, I was even thinking of killing myself of how a Man I am who cant even do something for his Mama and Sister. I just wanted to share all this with you. Because you are kind and loving bhai, I just thought you would console me somehow. Bhai online tuition never worked, I gave it a try but Punjab Group of Colleges had started giving free Classes for Matric and F.Sc online. Even after they ended free, all of their lectures were recorded and still are available free on the internet. And home tuition especially in Multan no one was willing to pay more than 8k to me for 3 hours. I could never have managed anything with that. Just wanted to tell you this to let you know that I tried Bhai. Please do reply whenever it is possible to you. I love you Bhai for all that you have done for me. Surely Allah will Reward you million folds for it. You were never once harsh. My Mama also sends her Salam love to you. Thank you….”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum. Bhai I know you must be very busy. But your reply would mean a lot to me. I know its the lengthy messages again, please do read them for me. I need your moral support in this. Bhai I did not ask for any financial help from you this time. I just wanted to tell you all this so that you might have an idea or some plan for me to how to manage these things. Or at least some good pieces of advise. Please do not be mad(naraz) at me Bhai and please reply back.”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Bhai after just recovering, our landlord evicted us. If I had told you at that time, it would be to again ask for help. I can understand, I am grateful that you replied. Ramadan is also near, there must be a lot of things to manage. yes. Well we have 4 students at the moment, we just started in 15 Feb. What I did different is that I made some brochures this time, and distributed them myself by knocking on the door and talking to the parents myself. There is good potential here, but it needs time to grow. Many people in Bhara Kahu, are basically from Murree. They come in winters(because of snowfall) and go back in Summer. since summer is here, they have gone back. So when winter arrives, there will be a good inflow. The rest is that since exams are near, many students have been enrolled in other centres since January. I will get my fair chance at getting them after May/June exams. Yes. Exactly. But the last 2 years were badly affected by Corona. Otherwise, I still remember in January 2021 when we first started prior to Corona, we had 9 students in the 1st month. After Corona, we had 0 growth. We have just started here, so I can only hope for the best. I did make another plan to get out of these crisis, but have no means to start it. Sure. I have it digitally. But to be honest, because only elective subjects were help. Papers were very easy, and the checking has been very lineant also. I will. But bhai, we live in Athal. so to circulate in Islamabad might not seem effective the major areas near us are.
Park View City
Mumtaz Qadri Darbar
Sarri Chowk
Malot Farms.”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum, Bhai I hope you are in the best of health., Bhai my mother wanted to talk with you regarding a solution., Will it be comfortable for you to talk with her., Just for clarification, this has nothing to do with tuition centre., Assalam o Alaikum., Bhai it has been 22 March since you were active, you must be extremely busy., I will inshaAllah wait for your reply., Assalam o Alaikum., Bhai please do try to reply., To be honest Nouman bhai., Now only 2 are coming., Students say that they cannot go to school and tuition centre both while Fasting., This is a sincere request please., Ok I will., There has been a work which I have been looking into for like 3 years., It is of Toori(straw of Wheat/Gandum) which is used as Dairy Feed., If I could start it somehow, I will finally get out of these financial crisis which I find myself in., If you could have a look into it, I would be grateful., Its an extremely essential component of their diet especially of buffalos., After 15 April when wheat gets harvested, the rate of Toori is Rs.250-300 per Man(40 kg). People usually buy it in bulk for storage, but many people consume it as supply and demand basis., When winter approaches, its rate becomes Rs.900-1000., At that time, to sell it gives a very good margin which can again be used to buying it in April., If I could be helped in starting it, I might finally be able to stabilize myself., I was too ashamed of asking you this so Mama thought she could explain on behalf of our family. So that you may know that this is not a childish or foolish plan. We have done many work analysis on it., Nouman bhai I am sorry for asking favours again, Allah knows I hate every time I have asked you for it., Its just I know you must be thinking that what went wrong. I am always trying to understand will of Allah., So even if you say No on this, I promise I wont be heartbroken. Because I still remember the first time I messaged you. You never sent anyone to verify. You believed in us. That still holds such a special place in our hearts., Assalam o Alaikum., Noumam bhai please do try to reply., inshaAllah., Thank you Nouman bhai., inshaAllah I am hoping for so much good after Eid”
Nauman Khan says
Haroon Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Assalam o Alaikum., Nouman bhai how are you., How was you Eid., Sorry I couldn’t message there were severe network issues here in our area., Assalam o Alaikum, Nouman bhai I hope you are in the best of health.”
Nauman Khan says
Tahira Kaleem commented on WhatsApp: “Sure! InshAllah!”
Nauman Khan says
Aneela Naseeb commented on WhatsApp: “Inshallah”
Nauman Khan says
Saima Akmal commented on WhatsApp: “👍”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Lone commented on WhatsApp: “👍”
Nauman Khan says
Javed Sajid commented on WhatsApp: “In Sha Allah!”
Nauman Khan says
Hasan Wasim commented on WhatsApp: “Okay bro ✔💯💯💯”
Nauman Khan says
Salman Afzal commented on WhatsApp: “WA. Sure”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Abdullah Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “انشاءاللہ ضرور”
Nauman Khan says
Arfa Sultana commented on WhatsApp: “Jazakallah”
Nauman Khan says
Rizwan ur Rehman commented on WhatsApp: “Zaror…”
Nauman Khan says
Sajid Umar commented on WhatsApp: “Walaikum Assalam, sure and it is well noted.”
Nauman Khan says
Usman Akbar commented on WhatsApp: “I will spread the word”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ur Rehman commented on WhatsApp: “Walaikum As Salaam, Do they give online tutions as well ?”
Nauman Khan says
Usman Rafique commented on WhatsApp: “Ok insha Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Ali Sohail commented on WhatsApp: “Walaikum asalam, Ji zarur bhai, Insha’allah”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Affan Butt commented on WhatsApp: “Done. Shared in larger groups”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Ali Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Roger 👍🏻”
Nauman Khan says
Ali Mohsin commented on WhatsApp: “WS, Do they accept donations or zakat?”
Nauman Khan says
Maria Khan commented on WhatsApp: “وعليكم السلام و رحمة الله , Okay إن شاء الله”
Nauman Khan says
Irfan Akbar commented on WhatsApp: “Ok”
Nauman Khan says
Aamir Mehboob commented on WhatsApp: “Ok. Will forward”