Update (17-05-20): Alhumdulillah, two donors have taken the responsibility for Rs 10,000 (Rs 5,000 each) per month for this family. The amount for May 2020 has been transferred to my cousin’s account. JazakAllah khair for your contributions.

The following text was published on 17th May 2020:
While working on the Ration Distribution Project in Gawal Mandi, Rawalpindi, three kids approached my cousin in a street, where the eldest kid was a 13 years old girl. She requested my cousin if they could receive some ration. My cousin took them aside and inquired if there was an elder in their home. She replied that they lived with their old grandmother, who could not walk. My cousin visited their home and found out that there was an above 70 years old grandmother, living alone with her three grandchildren in a room. The eldest kid was this 8th grader girl while her brother and her orphan cousin were younger than her. The kids had not seen their mother and her father married again and he lived with his family in the upper story but he did not take care of his mother, his two kids from the previous wife or his orphan nephew.
The grandmother waits for food leftovers provided by the neighbors to feed her grandchildren. These kids don’t even know if they would even have their next meal. Some neighbors also donate them their Zakat and Sadaqah to help them with medicine and other basic necessities and that’s how they are surviving. In the lockdown, it became difficult for the neighbors as well to support them. The grandmother was able to get free medicine from a clinic but that is also closed due to the lockdown. My cousin provided them with the ration for the month of March and April 2020. He also bought medicine for the grandmother in April 2020 and donated them Rs 5,000 in cash. He mentioned that there was even no one with them who could lift the flour bag thus my cousin dropped everything in their room.
The kids attend a government school, which is free of cost, but the school is till 8th grade. The girl is good at studies and will soon be promoted to the 9th grade thus she will have to join a paid government school to continue her education. She also doesn’t have a B-form, which is required for the admission in the 9th grade and her father is not interested in her education. My cousin will get her B-form prepared once the lockdown is over and will also arrange for her school admission.
They are in need of monthly financial support to survive and continue their education. As per our analysis, donating them Rs 10,000 per month should be able to resolve their immediate financial crises but we will be able to reaccess it once the lockdown is over. Commitment for the monthly donation can be made in the following manner:
- One donor can take the responsibility to support this family with Rs 10,000 (SAR 238) per month.
- Two donors can divide this responsibility to support this family with Rs 5,000 (SAR 119) per month.
Location of the Family
Video Message
If you would like to donate any money then it will be transferred to my cousin’s bank account. Donations can be made through any of the following channels:
- In cash to me
- Via STC Pay (Instructions)
- In my KSA Bank Account
- In my Pakistani Bank Account
- Via PayPal – https://paypal.me/urShadow
Nauman Khan says
Sibghat Tareen commented on Facebook: “Is it done?”
Nauman Khan says
Jan e Alam commented on WhatsApp: “Aslamoalikum. Can I call you. Jazakallah khair”
Nauman Khan says
Saad Naveed commented on WhatsApp: “Salam, Is it still available? Thank you, JazakAllahu khair”
Nauman Khan says
Saad Razzaq Lak commented on WhatsApp: “MashaAllah great…”
Nauman Khan says
Nisar Ahmed commented on WhatsApp: “Salam, 😀 Allah Kareem, In shaa Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “she is almost 80 yrs old. i am going to give her ration tomorrow and some money to buy sabzi, milk and gas.”
Nauman Khan says
Waqas Ali Tirmzi commented on WhatsApp: “Okay”
Nauman Khan says
Aman Asim Salman commented on WhatsApp: “thanks 👍”
Nauman Khan says
Bisharat Rasool Memon commented on WhatsApp: “Brother, it’s difficult to read about the problems that these families are facing. May Allah ease their burden and resolve their issues and bless them with better prospects. OK great 👍”
Nauman Khan says
Fatima Shabbir commented on WhatsApp: “How will they receive money? Alhumdulliah”
Nauman Khan says
Rao Farhan commented on WhatsApp: “in shah ALLAH, 🙂 ma shah ALLAH, Chalain next sahi in shah ALLAH Ok”
Nauman Khan says
Miqdad Ahmad commented on WhatsApp: “is this request completed?, Okay, Okay, Sure”
Nauman Khan says
Sajed Malik commented on WhatsApp: “Ok, Sure”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Affan Butt commented on WhatsApp: “Alsalam o Alaikum. , Zakat is applicable I believe in this case, It appears to me, Ok. Sure Let me know, Sure in Sha Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Wasif Kamal commented on WhatsApp: “Done”
Nauman Khan says
Ahmed Bilal commented on WhatsApp: “Ok”
Nauman Khan says
Abdul Rehman Zafar commented on WhatsApp: “👍 This Pakistani whats app number is yours? +92 307 5872737, It will be easy for u to manage. Is it as per your calculation ?”
Nauman Khan says
Wajahat Ali Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Asalam alaikum noman bhai. Any open case for donations ?”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Oh ok just saw message”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Khan commented on WhatsApp: “👍”
Nauman Khan says
Abdul Rehman Zafar commented on WhatsApp: “inshallah”
Nauman Khan says
Abdul Rehman Zafar commented on WhatsApp: “Please manage it”
Nauman Khan says
Saad Naveed commented on WhatsApp: “Salam, Alhumdulillah, Ameen wa iyyak, Thanks for confirming, Ameen wa iyyak, Ameen wa iyyak, thanks for your quick confirmation, Ameen wa iyyak”
Nauman Khan says
Abdul Rehman Zafar commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa, Ok i will, I usually wait for your msg”