The moon has not been sighted on Sunday, 11th April 2021 in Saudi Arabia thus the 1st of Ramadan is on Tuesday, 13th April 2021 inshaAllah.
چاند 11 اپریل 2021 کو سعودی عرب میں نہیں دیکھا گیا, اسی لیے یکم رمضان المبارک 13 اپریل 2021 بروز منگل کو ہو گی , انشاء اللہ ۔
لم يتم رؤية القمر يوم الأحد 11 أبريل 2021 في المملكة العربية السعودية ، وبالتالي فإن الأول من رمضان هو يوم الثلاثاء 13 أبريل 2021 إن شاء الله.
Nauman Khan says
Olayan M. Alwetaid commented on WhatsApp: “It is my pleasure to extend to you my heartfelt congratulations on the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan 1442 AH, calling on Allah Almighty to protect our country, our leaders, and our people, and to perpetuate the blessings of security and safety on us all. Ramadan Mubarak.”
Nauman Khan says
Hassan Shahzad Anwar commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Oweis commented on WhatsApp: “👍”
Nauman Khan says
Kaukab Shahzad commented on WhatsApp: “Ramzan mubarik to you too”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Noman Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak 😊”
Nauman Khan says
Javed Sajid commented on WhatsApp: “In Sha Allah 👍🏻”
Nauman Khan says
Asad Lone commented on WhatsApp: “InShaAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Wajahat Ali Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Ramdan Kareem. May this Ramadan be extremely beneficial for you and your family. Ameen 🎆🎇🎉🎊”
Nauman Khan says
Irfan Akbar commented on WhatsApp: “In sha Allah a d keep remembering us in your prayers”
Nauman Khan says
Faheem Iqbal commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Tayyeb commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak”
Nauman Khan says
Sajid Umar commented on WhatsApp: “Ramzan Mubarak, Remember be and my family in your prayers.”
Nauman Khan says
Memoona Najam commented on WhatsApp: “insha’Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Shafqat Ullah Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Khair mubarik”
Nauman Khan says
Azeem Hafeez commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak bahi”
Nauman Khan says
Fatima Shabbir commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak”
Nauman Khan says
Shouq Abdullah Almohaimeed commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Kareem 🌙”
Nauman Khan says
Najla Alhossan commented on WhatsApp: “Thank you, You too”
Nauman Khan says
Khaled Alotaibi commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak Brother”
Nauman Khan says
Shuja Uddin commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak apko bi”
Nauman Khan says
Abdulrahman Al Khanfari commented on WhatsApp: “اللهم اعنا على صيامه و قيامه ..
اللهم اجعلنا من المقبولين ومن تحبون ..
مبارك عليكم الشهر و عساكم من عواده ..”
Nauman Khan says
Yahya Wadi commented on WhatsApp: “Jazak ALLAH khair brother, Ramadan Mubarak”
Nauman Khan says
Waseem Ahmed commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Hina Azhar commented on WhatsApp: “JazakAllah”
Nauman Khan says
Muaz Farooq Aslam commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Akram commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Azhar Khan commented on WhatsApp: “رمضان کریم”
Nauman Khan says
Ibrahim Al Shaikh commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Athar-ul-Haq commented on WhatsApp: “🌙♥️Happy Ramadan Everyone♥️🌙
💫I pray that this year we all get to engage in hearty hearful acts of obedience in the true spirit, and may we get to proclaim:
إِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَاىَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
Ameen 🤲
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Ali Sohail commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Yasir Dawood commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Haider commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Hafiz Saeed Ahmed commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Kashif Iqbal commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Kareem”
Nauman Khan says
Fawad Rasool commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Imran commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Mohammad Sharif commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Bisharat Rasool Memon commented on WhatsApp: “مُبارٓكٌ علٓيْكُمْ شّٓهرُ رٓمٓضٓان
وكل عام وانتم بخير🌹”
Nauman Khan says
Bushra Aloqayli commented on WhatsApp: “Thank you, Wish you and your family Ramadan Kareem 🌙”
Nauman Khan says
Zeeshan Aslam commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Ali Murtaza commented on WhatsApp: “RAMADAN KAREEM
May God showers countless blessings upon you and your family and entire Muslim Ummah
Ali Murtaza”
Nauman Khan says
Sara Nagham commented on WhatsApp: “Khair Mubarak”
Nauman Khan says
Waleed Malik commented on WhatsApp: “InshAllah!! Ramadan Mubarak”
Nauman Khan says
Arfa Sultana commented on WhatsApp: “انشاءاللہ”
Nauman Khan says
Saima Akmal commented on WhatsApp: “In sha Allah”
Nauman Khan says
Talal Muhammad Rabbani commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarik everyone. May you all have blessed Ramadan and May Allah grant all your prayers and wishes.”
Nauman Khan says
Khurram Shamshad commented on WhatsApp: “Ameen suma ameen”
Nauman Khan says
Fahd Javed commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Mubarak friends”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Furqan commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Moaz Ahmad Nizami commented on WhatsApp: “Ameen. Khair mubarik, Ameen”
Nauman Khan says
Tariq Sadaqat commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
stc commented on SMS: “Happy Ramadan!”
Nauman Khan says
Sajjad Riaz commented on WhatsApp: “اسلام علیکم
رمضان کریم
اللہ پاک سب کو مکمل صحت یابی کے ساتھ رمضان المبارک کا اہتمام کرنے، عبادات کرنے، مقبول عمل کرنے اور مغفرت طلب کرنے اور اللہ پاک کی رضا اور خوشنودی حاصل کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے۔ آمین”
Nauman Khan says
Imran Saleem commented on WhatsApp: “جزاک اللہ”
Nauman Khan says
Khurshid Sherwani commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Khurshid Sherwani commented on WhatsApp :
Nauman Khan says
Khurshid Sherwani commented on WhatsApp :
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Atif commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Asad Ali commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Haithem H. Alfaraj commented on SMS:
“الأخوة الزملاء
نبارك لكم حلول شهر رمضان المبارك،
وكل عام وأنتم بخير.
أخوكم | هيثم الفرج
Dear colleagues
Congratulations for the holy month of Ramadan,
and happy new year.
Your brother | Haithem Alfaraj”
Nauman Khan says
Mujtaba Ghulam commented on WhatsApp: “🌹RAMADAN MUBARAK🌹
Wishing you & your family the blessings of this holy month. May Allah accept all our prayers and duas. May Allah keep us in his mercy and protect us from all evil. Ameen”
Nauman Khan says
Khurram Naveed commented on WhatsApp: “Ramzan Mubarik”
Nauman Khan says
AD commented on WhatsApp: “Ramazan Muabarak”
Nauman Khan says
Sarmad Khalique commented on WhatsApp: “Ramazan kareem everyone”
Nauman Khan says
Yasir Lodhi commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Kareem everyone”
Nauman Khan says
Sajid Sayyad commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Kareem!”
Nauman Khan says
Faheem Iqbal commented on WhatsApp: “Ramadan Kareem”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Tayyeb commented on WhatsApp: “Ramzan Mubarak😄”
Nauman Khan says
Ali Mohsin commented on WhatsApp: “Ramzan Mubarak everyone! :)”
Nauman Khan says
Abdul Rehman Zafar commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Aasim Dawood commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa a very happy Ramadan to all brothers and families.”
Nauman Khan says
Imran Ishaq Khan commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Sakib Inayat commented on WhatsApp: “AOA
Wish you all a blissful Ramadan. May the Rehmat of Almighty Allah shine upon you and your family always.”
Nauman Khan says
Muhammad Affan Butt commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Shahmir Khan commented on WhatsApp: “Inshallah”
Nauman Khan says
Haithem Babgi commented on WhatsApp: “Thank you Nauman
Ramadan Mobark for you and your family”
Nauman Khan says
Khalid Mian commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Zohaib Arshad commented on WhatsApp: “Aoa Nauman bhai, ramadan mubarak to you and your family.
Zohaib Arshad”
Nauman Khan says
Sibghat Tareen commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Syed Adil commented on WhatsApp:
Nauman Khan says
Imran Ishaq Khan commented on WhatsApp :
Nauman Khan says
Umer Hassan Butt commented on WhatsApp: